The fact that Fix was popped by WADA and not the NCAA suggest the NCAA testing is weaker/easier to beat. Valencia was also busted by WADA and not NCAA (allegedly a street drug not a PED), Brooks's positive was also in WADA but permitted because of his prescription.
Lance Armstrong never was popped either. That sport was notorious for doping but rarely had guys get popped.
Now, I don't think that means a lot wrestlers, including Kasak are doing roids. It just suggest that the WADA testing is more strict than the NCAA, nothing more.
Unfortunately for Kasak, whether he has ever touched a drug of any kind will never be settled on a message board but it will hang out there.
I watched the whole 13+ min interview and found Meyer to be very candid about his seizures, hospitalization, weight, training leading up Ivys. Its too bad he made the comment about Roids and that is all anyone is talking about.