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State Placer (7/14)

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  1. Taylor is going head to head with Cael.
  2. Maybe it's just bad coaching at Iowa. Their staff is much stronger coaching the lighter weights.
  3. This is what will help wrestling. Fight cards are great for the senior level!
  4. C'mon, man. I'm serious. The system is much better. Both must agree.
  5. I want the NCAA to adopt the UWW method where there is a ref and a mat manager. Makes more sense than the second ref in the NCAAs just wandering around getting in the way.
  6. To Josh Barr.
  7. The kids who announce the BIG+ matches are college students. And just like any college endeavor, they should have to learn the rules and take an exam.
  8. His goon-ness may be tempered and controlled by his head coach.
  9. Yeah, Kerk wrestles like he is unmotivated. He seems to sleep-walk through his matches.
  10. Completely agree. He has many disadvantages in life, but he had many advantages on the mat as stated by Chigachanuk says,. Also, he could not move to senior level because a wrestler in FS cannot sit on his knee.
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