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Everything posted by Caveira

  1. Don’t mis gender pets…. https://x.com/AnnLesbyPhD/status/1584931852644909062
  2. I gave 2 … keep scrolling down
  3. Cop cars pretending to be trans gender ha… even the cop laughs https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTFJBPxy1/
  4. Statistically speaking? I think north of 93% of all political donations from academia are to the left. So you do have a near approx 7% chance of being right.
  5. Good thing he’s not really president lol. ……..Just sign this doc sir it’s for chocolate ice cream.
  6. In prison…….. Snitches get what again? I forgot.
  7. This wasn’t. If men weren’t allowed in female prisons…. Would he have been allowed to pose as a woman? https://www.nbcnewyork.com/investigations/man-posing-as-transgender-woman-raped-female-prisoner-at-rikers-lawsuit-says/5067904/?amp=1
  8. This one was common sense no? https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna38947 His profile on twitter says he’s a social justice warrior….
  9. I thought it was stalling after re watching. But 0% chance it’s called that way today. Why the change? If fans nearly universally want stalling called more why did it change so dramatically?
  10. Great Match. How did Lincoln get red ankle bands in this match? Based on the title I was like how tf is red getting a stalling point here?!?!? Crazy lol https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTF1shwwU/
  11. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTF1ggxbj/ would you believe Kamala (black Kamala ?). Her Indian grandmother would go to villages in rural India with a bull horn when she was a kid to push for more access to abortion? Seems plausible.
  12. I think we knew what you meant. I know you don’t have tds. Meh lol
  13. No one knows if I stopped collecting pics. Just stopped posting any. Also I don’t think those terms you used are the preferred nomenclature. But that’s a different argument. Sounds like if testing was done…. It was known ahead of time the user experience would significantly decline. the experience is the same for everyone when it occurs. Lots of ads on your screen, reloading a lot, blocking buttons, not respecting the x to close on the ad etc…….
  14. Trump would gladly trade a federal charge for the stunt at Arlington for all of the Ds who deserve charges for federal immigration violations. Every sanctuary d city mayor. Very sanctuary state d governor. Biden. Mayorkas. That press secretary. The entire state of California and New York lol. don’t bash nut swings until you try them.
  15. Perhaps. I’m not sure. I don’t recall you siding with “illegal immigration is wrong”…. Once or ever. During this entire 48 month saga where the dems opened the boarder and let millions in. Just perhaps. You cleverly said any federal offense should be charged .. sort of implying Trump should be charged with taking a pic with the gold star families. Perhaps that’s what he means. I dunno. But perhaps. perhaps one is worse long term for this country. I’ll let you decide.
  16. They just want the votes……. they dont care about the people.
  17. I mean. it’s remarkable they even know how to spell Greco with all the bad man folkstyle training they do right? (I’m joking…. Sort of…. But sort of not with all the folkstyle bashers around here).
  18. Was it tested pre go live? Are these results expected???
  19. Politicians are to be believed. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTNo35pvt/ tried to type the quotes up…. As per usually I couldn’t find a similar vid on YouTube. Gavin Quotes in this vid… regarding homelessness: 2008: What we call our 10 year plan to end chronic homelessness in San Francisco. 2010: How are you going to solve homelessness as the new mayor? And I say what are you going to do? 2012 We are going to sign a housing first model to provide direct access to housing for the homeless. 2015: Shelter solves sleep. Housing with wrap around and support services solves homelessness. 2016: Homelessness can absolutely be solved. 2018: I laid out a detailed homelessness strategy. There has been no intentionality on homelessness in this state for decades, it has not been a focus. 2019: I don’t think we can solve homelessness; I know we can solve homelessness. 2020: We will reduce street homelessness quickly and humanely through emergency acts. 2021: the highest investment the state has made is $1b in homelessness. We are poised to pass a budget in the next few hours that will provide $12b of investments. 2022: I can literally quantify, 58000 people that we got off the streets last year, and none of you would believe it. 2023 This state has not made progress in the last 2 decades as it relates to homelessness. 2024: we are not interested in funding failure. We are not interested in failing more efficiently, when it comes to the issue of homelessness and the crisis in the street.
  20. Ha fox using the foghorn leghorn joke https://www.foxnews.com/media/kamala-harris-goes-viral-cringe-new-accent-detroit-rally-sparks-foghorn-leghorn-comparisons.amp
  21. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTNo9LjEQ/
  22. Fake accents are great https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTNomyen4/ Two different speeches same words different accents https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTNomTkpm/ Leave me alone I’m on the phone lol https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTNomTaUG/
  23. I’m not in college any longer so this may or may not apply. Do you want to know how to lose quickly? I told my wife she is a little loose compared to her younger days….. still fine but a little loose. I don’t know where she went but I somehow took a long nap and there is a huge bruise and lump on the side of my head. I also can’t find my reading glasses.
  24. Rules for theeeeee not for meeeee
  25. The vacationer in command. It’s still very mind boggling. You couldn’t have told me in let’s say grammar school. That the sitting pres is legit senile and not remotely running the country. That no one seems to care or notice or comment on this. That a political party is running someone who didn’t receive a delegate / vote in several presidential elections in a row…. That the opponent is one of the most polarizing politicians in the history of the country. For a second time that this site has more ads than a sketchy porn site. Not the upscale ones…. The ones your afraid to click. I’m talking to you xHamster. it’s like we’re in the matrix or something.
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