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Everything posted by Caveira

  1. Trump is afraid to debate her
  2. It was. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTNwJY2k3/ it’s crazy the lies they tell.
  3. Who is the author of this quote: This is not going to be a free ride. This is not going to be some instant amnesty. What is going to happen is… - you are going to pay a significant fine. - You are going to learn English - You are going to go to the back of the line so that you don’t get ahead of someone from Mexico City who was applying legally - It is not something that is guaranteed or automatic, you have got to earn it. I think the American people, they appreciate and believe In immigration, but they cannot have a situation where a half a million people are pouring over the boarder without any kind of mechanism to control it. …. That’s the kind of comprehensive approach that we have to take.
  4. Um…. There have been dozens of posts about Iowa being “racist” not recruiting black kids etc…..
  5. I mean. Isn’t it statistically true? Kids have lower t now than they did historically. Given kids vote blue more…. Isn’t it statistically true???? https://www.medichecks.com/blogs/testosterone/why-do-gen-z-and-millennial-men-have-lower-testosterone
  6. I mean. These guys are hs guys. Who only know folkstyle and somehow pulled off 6 medals and 3 addl medal matches somehow. It’s nothing short of a remarkable miracle if you ask me. If you read some of the doomsday posts above they probably learned freestyle on the plane trip over to the competition lol. How did they even learn parteere is not referees position I joke.
  7. It’s her “success” that got her 150 million. Yep. Also what experience does she have in this field?
  8. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTNTfFjre/ get that black vote ….. #paid for by Indians who claim they’re black to get votes for president. I wash my collard greens in the bath tub all the time.
  9. How did these hs athletes win u17 worlds mostly solely concentrating on folkstyle !!!! It’s kind of mind boggling. They beat all these other countries that never even trained in folkstyle. If we don’t change everything now we will never be competitive. U17 MFS: 3 3 3 5th Place WORLD TEAM TITLE! Also… fan of the mocco’s…. Co gongrats but 18 second techs should not be a thing in the world finals. Flippy flippy leg laces aren’t real wrestling.
  10. Brands would take 10 truax messenbrink dean kerk ngaoo’s as 5 of those taliban peeps.
  11. Broken record for the blue glasses crowd. Iowa isn’t paying them. Any more than Carl isn’t paying their slew of ncaa finalist : champion : aa transfers.
  12. That would be illegal no? nil is ruining college sports yes….. diff topic though.
  13. The cost to Iowa is what $0? Iowa isn’t paying NIL….. external donors are…. At least that’s what I thought. Also… the blue psu sunglasses often forget psu dips into the transfer pool a bit too. kerk. Dean. Truax. Messenbrink. Ngao to name a few. Some of those are ncaa champions / finalists.
  14. Why is suppression of political opponents not a bigger deal. No one on the left even acknowledges it’s happening.
  15. If it wasn’t for that pesky folkstyle…. How did we possibly win u17 worlds? U17 MFS: 3 3 3 5th Place WORLD TEAM TITLE!
  16. Wonder after boinking bernie out in 2016 and losing…. If Trump pulls off a win here after the Ds pushing rfk out do they take a look at themselves in the mirror and wonder if their strategies need Improvement. does rfk join team trump if they let him on the ballots? I dunno.
  17. This. I’ve been thinking of this for a few days. you hear Ds all day saying make the rich pay their fair share. In 2021 the 1% paid 46% of all federal taxes. What % is enough? They never cite real income taxes when saying this. Biden lies every time the says they pay 8.2% (I think…. I’m not looking it up…. CNN of all news outlets called him on it during the dnc). That 8.2% is a d think tank estimate based on unrealized gains on stocks…. Not income tax my issue isn’t “what is enough”. It’s where does the wasteful government stop. If they make the “rich” pay x% more. That x will be squandered just like in the past and they will be coming for the next “rich” in line. Just like they are farking up social security and everything else. I worked for a startup years ago and had to pay taxes on unrealized gains. It is a thing. Look it up. It’s called alternative minimum tax. It was originally passed (maybe?) in the 1950s to make the ultra rich pay…. Now jamokes like me get hit with it. We fight over the wrong things. The government is wasteful. They lose $. They lie and spend money appropriated for this…. On that. They’re telling a narrative….. buying votes. the best line is around 1:46. Although the whole vid is great. It’s Dave Chappell. The joke is fantastic…. And true to the mess that we exist in today. Dave is not a Trump supporter. Here is an Illinois billionaire. He is also a D governor who was in the mix to be the vp nominee….. Who bragged he is a “real billionaire” at the dnc. He removed toilets in his mansion to avoid taxes. Don’t hear much about that at the dnc when asking the billionaires to pay. Oprah was at the dnc lol on stage with ms Obama after she told you that sob story of how her parents wouldn’t be happy with people taking more than they need. # rules for thee but not for mee https://www.illinoispolicy.org/federal-investigators-digging-deeper-into-pritzkers-331k-property-tax-break/
  18. Do you think comparing women’s wrestling to men’s is a fair comparison?
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