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Everything posted by MPhillips

  1. You don't know dick about lesbian dance theory bro...
  2. Non Wrestling Topics...
  3. Relationships have been, fostered....
  4. He was a different wrestler at Worlds...
  5. What have you done with the Bigbrog that post' almost exclusively in the, 'Non Wrestling Topics' forum, because this post isn't him...
  6. The fact that 'killa' edited his post for the Amy Schumer comment is the best part...
  7. Good job deleting/hiding the other thread you started to make this one... Why seventeen at 74kg's?
  8. Agreed. He had points to give and he gave them. I thought he looked very comfortable even after the four. He didn't seem bothered a bit. He gave the TD at the end and knew he wasn't getting turned...
  9. I appreciate you both...for what you are.
  10. Besides WKN's response, I would also say he's an athlete and a competitor without a sport or a place at the moment. I imagine that's very foreign a bit scary and a quite different feeling...
  11. Stoll spent too much time plodding around tracking his wounded game. Just didn't have the (lungs) shot for that humane quick kill...
  12. Successful, tough, available...
  13. Great Venue. Sun going down behind the stage is stunning. Can go from eighty degrees to fifty in no time. Enjoy the show...
  14. He already had the hat and the boots...
  15. New Jersey and I believe Indiana. Maybe Kentucky and Hawaii?
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