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College Starter (10/14)

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  1. Art said he wanted to retire and focus on his family.
  2. Now im just totally just talking wild but if its a 3 match series and the 3 matched are guaranteed, as in you wrestle all 3 not 2-0 wins it. You could theoretically open, mid match and close with the same match up. Which could be cool or could make the last match highly predictable.
  3. Thats fair. I just know a lot of people including the flo crew said it was a lack luster main event( I forget exactly how it was phrased on FRL). So I wondered would these guys open up more in a three match series. Since its not a tournament and just a wrestling card I figured thats totally do able and decided to ask what other people think. Im open to people disagreeing.
  4. I left Carr out because I beleive hes on a high level than the guys i listed. Id like to keep all the matches and get a best of 3. However when asked would you cut matches for a best of 3 in main event id say yes.
  5. Cut a gross/desanto match or an andonian/gomez and throw the money at the main event to go best of 3 in my opinion.
  6. Because its "a better product" as wrestling heads like to say? Also Snyder and Cox did a best of three with Rudis just because. This was not a tournament, this match wasnt for anything but entertainement. So why hold it to any standard other than what is most entertaining?
  7. Get rid of criteria. Add OT. First score wins. Pushouts only in OT. No such thing as grounding.
  8. Does anyone think this should have been a best of 3? Does it change the result? Do you think the athletes would have agreed? @Jon_Kozak Im interested in your opinion for obvious reasons.
  9. Do you think leg riding is mostly a stalling tactic at that level or thats how he used it?
  10. Additonally opinions on leg riding in hs vs college?
  11. Im involved in two seperate debates (non internet) right now. Who are some of the best college leg riders you can you think of? Do you have an opinion on leg riding? Do you have an opinion on cross body vs parallel?
  12. Theres no proof it was about money. And the holier than thou cult of penn state is honestly gross. They do not own the rights to any wrestler based on their faith. How dare he go to Iowa we are so much more christ like! Gross
  13. Why not just announce it on Monday?
  14. He said that because he knew he just sold his legacy for a freak show exhibition.
  15. Ill be surprised if its not Penn state.
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