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Ivan Stankowski

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Everything posted by Ivan Stankowski

  1. I think you might be disappointed. O Toole by more then a couple
  2. Yes and that only took a minute to figure out who that is . Yes you are correct some people are never pleased and Yes like I said it's great for Liegel family and wisconsin fans, so certainly hope you were not referring to me when talking about shitting on his family by diminishing his addition. As far as what Bono should say. That's a Bono thing. I thought we were on same page. Go Badgers.
  3. Yes would be a huge pick up but do not think we're going to see that happen. Best of luck to him wherever he chooses to go.
  4. Does Hopke train at Pinacle? Where does Minnesota fit in this recruitment war.? I also hope we land him. If by chance we do land him who does he roll with in the wrestling room at Wisconsin to make sure he continues to improve
  5. Liegel is most likely the guy next year
  6. A fan or 2 on wiwrestling (Not ME) seemed miffed, but I am not arguing, good for Mr Liegel
  7. I would not call it great IMO these are the type of things that do not play well in Bono's favor, Badger fans immediately think its Hopke or Messinbrink, or Griffin, and It is Shane Liegel with one year of eligibility left, maybe 2 and don't get me wrong he is a great kid, but not what most people were hoping for with the Hype
  8. Shane liegel!!!
  9. ,, Messenbrink now that's funny.
  10. That may happen sooner than later
  11. For sure it has been established, my question is do you think it will get fixed any time soon?
  12. Or the grizzly maybe Branch could relate to him.:)
  13. Guys like Garrison Dendy, Chase Zollmann, Guillermo Escobedo, Darren Green, Hayden Lieb, Branden Paul Pagurayan, Paul Esparza-Garcia, are not getting nil money, Buchanan is a different story and good for him. But when you have 8/9 guys leaving with a roster of 25 wrestlers, close to 30% of your team bailing , something doesn't feel right.
  14. Well they cannot compete with the 2nd and 3rd tier programs right now, so that's an issue. I don't see the 2nd and 3rd tier teams having max exodus
  15. What's going on? And what's going to change? They need to build a better assistant coaching staff would be a start I would think
  16. Will see how long Brooks makes it, somethings not right will the amount of wrestlers entering the portal. Thought Wright was in portal. Not sure what talent your seeing. Please share
  17. Garrison Dendy transferring out of Wyoming, are they going to have enough athletes to compete?
  18. It was very well known that most Wisconsin wrestlers were offered less then Out of state wrestlers By BD, It was kind of the expectation it should be a privilege and honor and not so much compensated for wrestling in state, not sure that theory panned out so well for BD
  19. Wyoming is a train wreck and is headed the wrong way, It is going to take a lot to right this ship
  20. Why with Branch coming back to Oklahoma
  21. Rumor has it Branch is already packing
  22. I think Wisconsin thought they were in the running so Another Swing and miss for Wisconsin, having a hard time keeping in state talent in state, now missing on some of these other guys, if the current coaching staff "sealed the Borders" the seal has a leak!! If they lose Hopke it is going to get uglier then it already is.
  23. It is great for the athletes, and that is who it should be about
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