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Everything posted by Offthemat

  1. Like I said, I don’t hate you and I’m not going to resort to name calling. I can tell you with confidence that the only filter that will work for an aerosolized virus will require a pump for you to breathe through. Surgeons wear masks to protect the patients, not themselves. Go read some more.
  2. I don’t hate you either. But for reasons only you can know, you argue with people about things you don’t know. Is woke Marxist? Is an AR15 an assault rifle? Does AR stand for assault rifle? I remember other cases but not the specifics. Then you try to grasp for credibility asking: does anyone take these guys seriously? It might be you that is not taken seriously because you’ve been shown to be wrong so often. My suggestion that you should google is because there is information out that shows you wrong on, in my estimation, 60% or more of your conspiracy theory list. I’m not going through it all, but masks are useless for aerosolized virus. This was known before covid. The only way you can begin to get better information will be to abandon those outlets that promised you collusion for over two years, or wait for a long time.
  3. So far behind. You should google for some up to date information.
  4. Try this: https://thefederalist.com/2023/07/27/how-a-federal-judge-turned-the-tables-on-hunter-bidens-plea-deal/ Publicly, this pretrial diversion agreement was described as applying just to the unlawful possession of a firearm charge. This was a wild mischaracterization of the agreement. Included in the agreement was a provision that bound the United States to not prosecute Biden “for any federal crimes encompassed by . . . the Statement of Facts” attached to the Plea Agreement. The referred-to Statement of Facts includes: Hunter’s role with and compensation from Burisma; Hunter’s role with and compensation from Chinese private equity firm Bohai, Harvest, and Rosemont; Hunter’s holding company Owasco; Hunter’s consulting firm Rosemont Seneca; and many other aspects of Hunter’s controversial web of business relationships. It wasn’t to protect Hunter, it was to say that if Hunter didn’t get prosecuted for it then you can’t say Joe was guilty of being in on it.
  5. Show me the last time some mass murderer bought a non-military grade look alike rifle and went on a murderous spree within one day - two days. It should take as long as it takes to run the card, verify the check, or count the cash. And if WKN is reading, I saw a doctor report on a study by the Department of Defense that showed about a 250% increase in myocarditis among soldiers who took the vaccine. European countries are much more open about reporting their findings than the U.S.
  6. Anybody looking for the company line can always depend on you.
  7. I’ve been counting and so far, that’s one.
  8. Hunter was the American version of Uday and Qusay. He took every opportunity available to take advantage of his father’s power, probably in reaction to his father having taken advantage of him to include him in his criminal activities. His father, being part of the country’s second largest attempted coup, and the subsequent president following its third coup, is now the worst criminal to ever hold the office. Neither will be neglected until there is some accountability.
  9. You’ve admitted you don’t know what you’re talking about when it comes to gun laws. You’ve displayed that reading comprehension is not your best suite. Now, are you really qualified to discuss f’ing russians? Better be convincing.
  10. I might start a band. Can you play drums?
  11. I worry this employment thing will infringe on his spirograph art production.
  12. Oh I think they’ll find him a nice sinecure somewhere. Maybe the Penn-Biden Chinese Spy Center needs someone to file classified documents or something.
  13. These people, those 70+yo should be retired. Maybe their spouses should step in. Go finish your life free of the burden.
  14. Not likely. She’s donated mostly to democrats but she did donate to McCain, who was no friend of Trump’s. She was first nominated by the two Delaware democrat senators to Trump before he nominated her to the bench. You can safely say she’s a democrat, just not a member of the coverup crew. She may have a dismal view of the unlawful and obscene behavior being overlooked in this case.
  15. You weren’t watching the Gen. Flynn trial?
  16. There’s quite a few legislators who don’t live in their home state. Fetterman belongs in a state home.
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