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Everything posted by flyingcement

  1. There was another thread in which idiots were saying you should never break the law under any circumstance. If the authorities are doing nothing about this and someone actually knows this to be true - the right thing to do is to take it into your own hands.
  2. Cam Kramer (Iowa) and Nima Gharavi (Illinois / Midwest Wrestle)
  3. In the case of Flo, they are afraid of a lawsuit I guess? But Willie has named them above.
  4. Two wrestling "photographers" one of whom is an active youth official, take pictures and videos of wrestlers which are suggestive in nature and marketed to similarly evil people
  5. It's been a tough season for VV. I wonder if he would be better off at a smaller school. He doesn't seem to have any offense to speak of on neutral against any half decent opponent
  6. Volk dec Morvari 2-0 Ayala dec McKee 5-4 Van Dee dec Schriever 5-1 Teske tech Peterson 15-0 Woods dec Koderhandt 9-4 McNeil dec Vombaur 7-4 Ferrari dec Martin 5-2 SV Rathjen dec Voinovich 6-3 Franek dec Kraisser 13-3 Swensen dec Johnson 4-1 SV Caliendo tech Brenner 19-4 Kennedy major Moreno 10-0 Ruth dec Incontrera 1-0 Arnold dec Brown Ton 4-2 Wolak major Eischens 13-5 Salazar tech Hall 15-0 McEnelly dec Gunderson 11-9 Ferrari dec Novak 7-2 Glazier dec Joles 5-4 Tabor dec McConville 11-3 Rasmussen dec Nitzel 17-13
  7. Finals 125: Jore Volk vs Drake Ayala 133: Jacob Van Dee vs Brody Teske 141: Real Woods vs Lachlan McNeil 149: Anthony Ferrari vs Caleb Rathjen 157: Jared Franek vs Cael Swensen 165: Mikey Caliendo vs Patrick Kennedy 174: Gabe Arnold vs Lennox Wolak 184: Max McEnelly vs Isaiah Salazar 197: AJ Ferrari vs Zach Glazier 285: Bennet Tabor vs Luke Rasmussen
  8. Are semis up next?
  9. https://smoothcomp.com/en/event/14853/bout-schedule
  10. It's Gabe Arnold smacking Adam Thebeau on the ass in the closing seconds of the match and then shoving him haha.
  11. https://www.facebook.com/groups/2486071898172783/permalink/7042588292521098/?mibextid=Nif5oz
  12. Bundle and pin by Hamiti, before he pats the top of Mantanona's head in what appeared to be a version of something Bo Nickal might have done
  13. Ty Watters vs Kannon Webster - both true freshment phenoms at 149 on mat 9
  14. Zeth Romney takes down Latona
  15. Guy who wrestles for Lehigh vs the guy who wrestles from Lehigh.
  16. Teemer all of the sudden gets a second breath of life and wins 17-12.
  17. Woodcock goes for a big move (which was entirely unnecessary when you are in the lead against a superior guy who is injured) and nearly pins himself.
  18. Teemer is back wrestling - perhaps not 100%. Woodcock up 9-8 going into the third and has 1:45 riding time. gets a quick escape. 10-8 Woodcock with a point now nearly locked
  19. more bad news for the sun devils. Teemer was losing to Woodcock and then just laid on the mat before Woodcock shrugged and now we are in injury timeout.
  20. Kaleb Burgess over Joe Zargo
  21. I really couldn't tell. I though he was shaking his arm in a strange way - as if to try and shake off pain - but then the way he went down, seemed to be awkward regarding his legs. and then he tapped the mat when he went down. really not sure
  22. Figueroa did not look right from the start and ends up injury defaulting in his first match
  23. What about Tanelli? He's done well with limited options at Columbia - has history with the team. Similar haircut to Bono to the point where you could probably just keep the same headshot up on the website
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