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Everything posted by flyingcement

  1. Most will be focusing on Iowa State vs Cornell and fair enough. But here are some matches that should be excellent in Pitt vs Little Rock: 133: Nasir Bailey vs Vinny Santaniello 149: Kyle Dutton vs Finn Solomon 174: Tyler Brennan vs Luca Augustine 197: Stephen Little vs Mac Stout
  2. I like it because I think it is the most realistic. But I hear you
  3. Matthews going 0-2 on the day, but is the only one this year to defeat Mendez
  4. Nassir Bailey tech fall over Evan Frost!
  5. Colton Camacho upsets Brett Ungar
  6. Heller majored Feldkamp
  7. I think it was 12-3 with Matthews being thrown a couple times
  8. Echemendia is manhandling Cole Matthews. Toying with him
  9. Mat 1 has no audio and a graphic covering the score...
  10. I've seen enough. Reversals need to be three
  11. Nope nothing for me
  12. Starts in five minutes. Got my split screen ready and a pot of black coffee. Let's go
  13. It was obviously mostly luck but thanks
  14. Home Alone 1 and 2 Love Actually Gremlins
  15. I think Jimmy Bt could be Pyles
  16. Why would a poster take issue with whether or not another poster enjoyed a media service? To the point of personal insults? And with one as flawed and worthy of criticism as Flo?
  17. What on earth
  18. Sasso defeated Stemmet for the second time this month. Last time was a fall, and this time a bit closer - an 8-4 decision for the younger brother of Sammy. Hunter Catka then takes a decision over Peter Ming (younger brother of Yao) by the same score 8-4. Final score 29-7 in favor of the Hokies
  19. Next up Lorenzo Norman - the guy who beat Shane Griffith at CKLV. Faces off against Jersey's finest Mekhi Lewis
  20. Connor Brady nearly gets a major over Garvin. 10-3 with 50 seconds of riding time
  21. This is as good as I've seen Connor Brady wrestle. Two good takedowns so far against Hunter Garvin. 6-2 is a much more logical score in this situation than 4-2. Three point takedown helps the better wrestler achieve a more appropriate score
  22. Latona whooped him. Three takedowns to zero
  23. I was so surprised Provo kept holding onto Flynn while they were standing up - giving up two quick stall calls. I guess a brain fart? Flynn did a good job of staying active and attempting reattacks without putting himself in a risky spot. It's not my favorite style to watch, but pretty effective in many cases. I was surprised it wasn't closer even if I thought Flynn had a good upset chance
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