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Junior Varsity

Junior Varsity (4/14)

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  1. IMO the recruits are not quite panning out, maybe they’re enjoying what Chapel Hill has to offer more than what the staff & wrestling room have to offer. Maybe not the toughest team on the block but having a horse in the race during the finals for what should be 3 straight yr is legit and something to build on.
  2. Appalachian State is also another school that is really fitting the up & comer bill
  3. I just watched Seth Nevelis walk out for Penn State’s senior night dual. Coming out of high school dude was a hammer 4x CA state champ 2nd @ Flo national. As he made his walk I was thinking of all the 4&5 star kids that get buried in a select few rooms around the country as they are constantly getting recruited over. I prefer to watch programs on the come up and IU fits the bill right now
  4. No need to bring Transylvania state back, but it’s cool watching the Hoosiers making positive strides this season
  5. Indiana wins 32-3 with Porter over Palmer 8-3, Rooks over Castillo 6-4 & Washington over Jordan 3-1. Indiana avengers last years 22-15 Chattanooga victory closing out the dual season 8-5
  6. Yanni v Gomez would be a banger for the finale
  7. Cal Poly over OR State to close out the Pac 12 dual season undefeated
  8. How about you go steal some kids ice cream or maybe kick a dog while your at it Nearfall
  9. Cowboys look like they are picking up a little momentum headed into the postseason, I was impressed with Carter getting the dub over a hot handed Mosha
  10. Palmer v Porter has potential
  11. They are opportunities not obligations
  12. Great match Carr did an amazing job of wrestling to his strengths and keeping KOT out of his wheel house. Maybe when KOT gets his takedown he is able to establish a solid ride and go to work on top it could’ve been a completely different match, but Carr’s urgency & game plan keep the ball in his court for the full 7 minutes.
  13. It was a big sr night for MSU, they are graduating over half of their lineup
  14. I wouldn’t say “no where near” of the few loses Starocci has Washington owns one of them and at the end of the 1st period it was 2-1. Champ vs round guy maybe.
  15. At least it’s give wrestling fans something to chat about, but is kinda petty on both parties. Starocci is a talented wrestler with a great career, keep it rolling the future is bright. DJW needs to focus his energy on the 2nd & 3rd periods of a matche and cut the after match bs. DJW does an amazing job of disrespects himself in the 2nd & 3rd period of every match Ive watched him wrestle.
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