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NCAA All-American

NCAA All-American (12/14)

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  1. Might be a simpler answer here. He got his OSUs confused!
  2. Marshall Cornell (grad at Lehigh) Walter/Colton Harvard Garrett UVa
  3. I don't believe Pete Welch is related to the other shown Welches. Pete's brother John also wrestled at UNC a couple years earlier. Their father John wrestled at Rutgers in the 60s.
  4. The Roy brothers from NJ Shore area. Nick AA Michigan. Andy from Rutgers. Dan from ESU. Andy and Dan wrestled each other in EIWA 1/4s. Andy and Nick were scheduled to meet at NCAAs in 2nd round but ... And there's another brother that wrestled but can't find anything on him. The Dufresne brothers- Mark AA for Lehigh and brother Ted at Lehigh. Kesner Seton Hall. Not sure where Theo went. Youngest Kevin went to Lock Haven then Centenary. And they pretty much all pronounced their last name differently. Sheesh! Dufresnee, Dufresnay, Dufren, Dufrain.
  5. Generally depends who they hire to run it and their preference. Not many tournament organizers (like myself) flip back and forth between the two. But what do you mean by streaming the dashboard? This is Flo's dashboard but it isn't the video stream.
  6. Does that change anything I said? Hamer won- obviously outplacing the other two.
  7. Ed Hamer Lehigh 1959 167. Beat Duane Murty Ok State champ 1958 in semis. Finals beat Tom Alberts Pitt champ in 1957.
  8. Good point
  9. I was wondering much the same. Since the match didn't go all 6 minutes- couldn't the call be 1 match point and since it's now a 14 pt spread (I think- forget what the actual score was) do you keep going?
  10. I didn't say Barr knew his traits.
  11. Don't forget where Beard wrestled first. They know his traits.
  12. Unless the previous match was a default (by same wrestler)
  13. I'm just saying there are other options.
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