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NCAA All-American

NCAA All-American (12/14)

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  1. I wondered if he thought his kid was tired. I did notice him breathing heavily just before that.
  2. Sheesh. Pretty much have to be good enough to get there the or four times but...
  3. I heard through some of the techies that some or a lot of the first session issues were from the Secret Service playing with the network.
  4. Off the top of my head, after they went to numbered divisions, Ken Mallory Mont St 1978 and Tom Martucci Trenton St 1981, Carleton Haselrig 1987-1989 There were several more from the small college division- most notably Clarion early 70s with Barton, Rohn, Schalles and Simpson. AAs would take a bit longer (and wouldn't be from memory) Just noticed the NY part- none of these from NY
  5. I thought they called a stalling point to make it 3-3 and then looked to see if there was also an escape. Not sure what Scott was yelling about. Otherwise, if it was a warning and an escape it still didn't change who was winning.
  6. He might be the only one to take things this far but isn't the only one to try. Lehigh's Josh Humphreys was injured in 2021 and a shirt year thinking he could come back. Didn't happen.
  7. Now that I think back, he had something going on with his shoulder at EIWA. I seem to remember him not going to practices for the next week and a half and "worked out" with Jack (our trainer).
  8. Lehigh has a few geezers. Malyke was born in 2000. Beard graduated from Malvern in 2018.
  9. I didn't look at the allocations until now. They only got 1? The one could have been earned by someone or given by default. But I guess in that case (that I didn't consider earlier) it should go to the 2nd in the conference assuming that person would be the champ now.
  10. Not if done safely. I thought I posted this somewhere but perhaps in another thread. HS rules it potentially dangerous. As far as I can see, college doesn't mention it at all. However, that doesn't mean it can't be called a slam.
  11. I guess it would depend on who earned the spot for the conference in the first place. If it was him- then it goes to the next person in whatever conference would have been the next at the weight across the country. If not him then it probably should go to the next person in that conference.
  12. He was a a pinner in that event but not really overall. He had his share (~17 over his 4 years and only 2 that season). Also, as far as I can recall, none by cement job. When I saw him cooling down after the semis, I told him he didn't have a cement job. He laughed and agreed. He said he hadn't really hit any successfully in the past.
  13. Peter Lipari transferred to Rider 2nd semester from Rutgers 2019-2020
  14. If we're still talking Crookham- twice.
  15. Correct in part. There is a very high percentage of the NPs (non-publics) in the NE. Also, the Shore Conference regions had a very high number of schools compared to the rest of the state. (Population growth in South Jersey trailed that of North for a while then picked up). There were a lot of complaints. So the complainants were given what I think was a good solution (mathematically only- not aesthetically or rivalry-wise). Apparently it worked better to cut the state largely into east west strips. Starting from the south going north (Cape May) they apportioned out publics. Then from the north going south the same with the NPs. And they try to make each district/region similar in terms of power.
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