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Bob's Bud
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Everything posted by LJB

  1. i am sure there is logical rational behind a one month suspension... just kinda hard to see it from my perspective...
  2. even you could insert any name you want...
  3. back up... back up... back up... is this really wrestling?
  4. I assume the grabbing of opponent's legs is making you crazy, too? much less so... that is actually wrestling... backing up is not...
  5. seriously... the constant backing out of bounds is making me crazy...
  6. Fix giving up that TD does not fill me with warm fuzzies...
  7. not gonna lie... a bit surprised at all the empty seats...
  8. 3 months is the shortest suspension i have ever personally heard of... i did not even know 3 months was an option for suspension... clearly he was able to show in some fashion that he did not "knowingly" take something...
  9. JO popped for an amphetamine the first time... as to the rest... again... whatever... i could go into a big diatribe as to why the language has changed over time and the forces behind that, but, what's the point? as long as we have our "safe speak" and personal accountability is always on a sliding scale then i guess some are happy...
  10. i can feel this is just going to delve further into semantics territory and i really do not have any real desire to continue down that path... JO was silly... he did not need to get high at trials... he did... that's on him... personally i have mixed feelings on whether or not cannabis should be tested for at all... most professional leagues have it written in their CBA agreements to absolutely not test for marijuana and for what i perceive as a very legitimate reason... if all sports went in that direction it would not bother me in the least...
  11. caffeine can cause a mild physical dependency... marijuana does not have any physically addictive properties... that is just the reality... all the "safe speak" in the world will not change that...
  12. absolutely not... opiates are actually physically addictive... marijuana is not physically addictive... just because you are obese and weak and don't want to stop eating cheeseburgers does not mean you are addicted to cheeseburgers... it means you like cheeseburgers more than you want to stop eating them... it is an excuse mentality and is everywhere in this society...
  13. this is not a new phenomenon and it has absolutely nothing to do with ineffective search tools... you can not be this naïve... right?
  14. I don’t necessarily disagree… but… i’m a midge… heavies are heavies…
  15. Marijuana use can lead to the development of problem use, known as a marijuana use disorder, which takes the form of addiction in severe cases. no one has to take responsibility for anything anymore...
  16. no one becomes physically addicted to marijuana... "use disorder" is a an example of a buzz word created to alleviate responsibility... i really like my morning spicy noodles... same breakfast every morning... when i run out or can't get it i get annoyed and unhappy and edgy and sometimes i get a real grumpy look on my face for the rest of the day... am i addicted to ramen?
  17. no one is addicted to marijuana... not anymore than anyone is addicted to cheeseburgers anyway... but the point is concrete... the rules are the rules no matter what your own personal feelings may or may not be... want to compete then follow them...
  18. i am starting to root for it now as well... a little sad i declined to go now...
  19. the threshold has been set so high for pot that you will not pop unless you are actively using during the competition dates... they have done that specifically because pot can really help athletes during training... way better for your body than any pain medication you can buy... and it can legitimately help with your mind game... different looks while watching film... different feels while rolling... anything that can help open you up mentally could very easily be seen as performance enhancing... that is one school of thought... whatever... oliver just had to not smoke during the 3-4 days he was at final X and he would have been fine...
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