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Bob's Bud
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Everything posted by LJB

  1. it the time frame of the cosmos? not even a fraction of the time one of our adorable little basic neurons takes to start firing... again... quit thinking so small...
  2. what is the real difference between social media and genetic memory? on a base level? quit thinking so small, mike...
  3. you act like this something new... or only applies to our species... this has been the way it is has been since primordial soup...
  4. 100%... that is not limited to one ideology...
  5. adorable... you keep making all your little assumptions about me and i will keep giggling at you... just like always...
  6. i did not say i know little about it, i just answered your silly little question... keep playing your silly little game... you are adorable!!!
  7. not one... but... i know our planets history clearly better than most...
  8. 44K gun deaths in america in 2022... that was an afternoon just a few years ago... the soft weak men in this country need to get some perspective...
  9. we used to write poems about violence and the gains from it... the only difference now is how soft and safe people think they are... used to be, you wanted to find violence it was right outside of your hut and you could get whatever you want... there was no confusion and certainly no quarter... soft like women men are now...
  10. you guys do realize our church used to kill more people on the reg in much more horrible ways than these few measly shootings, right? and people would come from miles around to watch our church do it...
  11. adorable... first school shooting happened in the 1850's... first school shooting where children were shot was in the 1890's... we used to raid and slaughter entire villages and be celebrated for it... if someone stepped out of line, we used to be able to handle it all on our own and in most cases be celebrated for it... the world used to be a much more violent place on a daily basis and little things like a few people people getting killed was not big enough news to even reach the next grass hut... the absolute main thing that has changed is an over abundance of self-importance...
  12. it never ceases to amuse me when otherwise "fairly" intelligent people fall for this stuff just so they can feel part of a team...
  13. Whatever you do, wait a couple of days before searching for new singlets…
  14. the impossibly handsome Ryan Reynolds is a genuine person... couple that with the adorable relationship he has with his wife... he is gold...
  15. simple solution... fukn... my 5th grade english teacher was chuck norriss' aunt by marriage... that is a true statement... i spell how i want...
  16. it was endlessly amusing to me... but... average exists for a reason...
  17. this may be my favorite post of the year so far...
  18. the raccoons used to get in trashcans all the time when i was still a redneck in OK... dropped some trash off about midnight... lifted the lid and the biggest raccoon i have ever seen came out after me... the sound that came out of me has never been heard before or since... and i am not ashamed to admit a little pee escaped as well... i have seen a pit on the receiving end of an upset raccoon... nah, bruh...
  19. well... my initial reaction was surprise... he kinda pooed the bed there last year and took bronze... figured he would want to get his money back... add in the family "drama" with weights and trying to separate the boys this year for Max's last run at juniors... otto up a weight trying to put both on the U20 team, but, clearly not a 63kg... had asked max if otto went 60kg for U23 and won would he let him have the spot? no... i want all the medal opportunities i can get... again... trying to hold others to your own preferences will never work out for anyone in anything... which was the point of the story for those shocked by an athlete with an opportunity they never had turning it down...
  20. your expectations maybe higher than mine...
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