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Bob's Bud
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Posts posted by LJB

  1. 5 minutes ago, WrestlingRasta said:

    No matter here, I took a half day Hump day. Sun is shining, weather is sweet. Makes you wanna move, with a little of Gods green treat….

    And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so.

    And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw that it was good

  2. Just now, mspart said:

    You didn't read any of them.   Unless you are the speedreader of the universe, because I just posted a host of articles for you a minute ago that you quoted.   Go on denying what is right in front of you.   You are more the sheep than you think.   You have bought into the propaganda.  Again, this is your opinion, and facts and data apparently won't change that. 



    it is the same shit you always post...

    first sentence from the first shit propaganda link you posted-


    which takes the form of addiction

    read the actual language...

    it is propaganda designed to fool lazy people like you...

    weed is as addictive as cheeseburgers and shit political propaganda...

    if you are a weak willed individual you claim addiction to anything...

  3. 4 minutes ago, mspart said:

    read the actual language...

    there is no physical addiction to marijuana...

    it is addictive as cheeseburgers or political propaganda...

    sheep GIF

  4. 7 minutes ago, bnwtwg said:

    You would be surprised at the volume of fresh grads who try to label themselves as "junior data scientist" that can't complete basic business Excel functions, much less write complex strings, and think because they learned the same 10 python hacks everyone knows that they are god's gift to earth until 60 ear old Janet from accounting puts the screws to them. It's kind of like letting the top freshman recruit work out with the grad assistant and today we're working on stand ups.

    i know probably 3% of excel and that probably makes me an "expert"...

    and at least once a month a lose hours of work by forgetting to save my csv as a damn xlsx...

    hollywood data GIF

  5. 3 minutes ago, WrestlingRasta said:

    Isn’t that the deal of messages boards,  one person writes it, and other people read it?  It’s not so much that I want to read it as much as I get this little indicator on my phone and …BOOM…there it is to read. 

    I’m beginning to see your confusion with this whole reality thing. 

    science fiction mind blown GIF by FilmStruck

  6. 34 minutes ago, WrestlingRasta said:

    There are certainly pockets of 'what the hell is going on here'    But please don't make broad "police won't" as if that goes for every police department across the country.  Do better and stop looking for an anecdotal; story for every single post you read on here.

    he has some real hot takes on weed that he was told to believe...

    seems to be theme...

  7. 8 hours ago, GreatWhiteNorth said:

    "public forum"... that is quite a contribution from the antagonistic and creatively challenged.

    I was wrong. It appears you can't do better than that. I had higher hopes for you. Set the bar, and you find a way under it.


    i could remind you of a thread where you decided to take another weak attempt at me just a few eeks ago...

    or how about the pm after one begging for the bad man to stop...

    i do like this new self righteous version...

    Happy I Love You GIF by Warner Bros. Deutschland

    • Haha 1
  8. 1 hour ago, Interviewed_at_Weehawken said:

    Aren't most of us being shy about "who we are?" Other than LJB and one other, I barely know who anyone is on this thread "in real life."

    and that is the thing...

    like biscuit flip talking all tough...

    that rootin' tootin' cowboy won't be shy!!!!

    like he is going to see me at any point this summer...

    there is only one tourney left in this country of any importance that either of the boys would be at and i have never gone to that tourney and never will...


    the coward can ACT like he has a pair behind a screen name...

    at least this one hasn't started sending me PMs yet...


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