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Bob's Bud
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Posts posted by LJB

  1. the UWW rule book is written intentionally very grey so it can be translated to 200+ languages...

    and it does allow for some definite "interpretation"  and there is no doubt there has been shenanigans in the past...

    but, i watch more international wrestling than domestic and i can tell you the reffing is for the most part very consistent and fair...


    • Fire 1
  2. the nut shell...

    a well known coach has openly violated one of the main tenets of safe sport by having a sexual relationship with one of his wrestlers...

    openly i will add...

    this well known coach has had multiple safe sport reports filed against him...

    a well known poster who has a daughter that is a WORLD CHAMP lost his shit on this bbs saturday night after dealing with 8 months of USAW's total refusal of any action...


    do we care about the athletes or not?

    • Fire 1
  3. 17 minutes ago, ugarles said:

    i've been away from the board for a bit and i was hoping to read some discussion of the event. i understand why you did what you did but i wish you'd used a scalpel instead of a hand grenade.

    The grenade was lobbed way before willie started worrying about about his compensation…

  4. 9 minutes ago, Eagle26 said:

    Fair point. It was a bit of hyperbole based on the calls at Final X. There were sooo many times where it was blatant they dropped to their knees to avoid a step out and I can’t remember it being called once this weekend. 

    you are also dealing with domestic refs...

    it is called with more consistency internationally...

  5. 23 minutes ago, goheels1812 said:



    I don’t have problems 99% of the time, but if you guys are telling me you didn’t have problems with the Oklahoma State Vs Iowa dual back in 2017 or 18 (it’s been a while) then you either 1) have memory loss 2) didn’t try to watch or 3) weren’t subscribed to Flo at the time lol. That was probably the biggest dual of the year and absolutely no one could watch for more than 3-5 second intervals before it went back down. 

    I know, I know, old dual. But it was one of the marquee duals of the year and Flo was a huge debacle. Like I said 99% of the time I’m fine with the streaming. But that one always stands out in my mind as a huge Flo streaming failure. 

    Edit: crap I should’ve read the rest of the thread lol. Just saw someone else commented this. Glad other people remember how bad that was 😂

    to be fair, i did not have many that night...

    but i also got into the stream 30 minutes early because i am smarter than the average bear...

  6. 9 minutes ago, mspart said:

    Why would they not have the proper scoring equipment?   How long has USAW been in the business of international wrestling?  I'm not one to complain about this kind of thing really, but with scoring changing every few years, maybe it is too much to invest in when it will go obsolete soon.


    for the last several years i have only seen monitors used at every USA event...

    locals and nationals both...

    typically they travel with their own equipment...

    it seems awfully damn silly to be using those at final x, but, perhaps that was flo's call?

  7. 11 minutes ago, Wrestleknownothing said:

    In this case it was listed poorly.

    They used folkstyle scoreboards (no underlining) matside and the jumbotron scoreboard did not show who had criteria. About half way through the first session they made an announcement that they were moving the dots signifying the period back and forth between the red and green (no blue) sides to indicate criteria. Sub-optimal.

    i just went back and saw them...

    i have not seen those at a USA event in forever...

    it makes no sense to me...

  8. Just now, Interviewed_at_Weehawken said:

    There is still no excuse, but Yianni was trailing by 1 (if I remember) and wanted to know if he needed 1 or 2.  He wanted to know what criteria would look like if he tied it.  To my knowledge that isn't on the scoreboard, but a coach should know.


    i was not paying very close attention to that match during the event...

    the best style was playing on a tv across the room...

    but, a good coach would know...

    if a good coach can not keep it straight in a match then a good coach would damn sure have someone next to him or within sight distance that is keeping track...

    you would be amazed at how many coaches who are former/current olympians who simply refuse to educate themselves on the rules...

  9. 4 hours ago, Interviewed_at_Weehawken said:

    I was super surprised that Mike Grey had no clue as to what Yianni needed to do to win match one.  Yianni was asking him about criteria and Grey had no answer for him.  Unforgiveable. 

    this happens more than most realize...

    high level coaches who do not know the rules is 100% unforgiveable...

    • Stalling 1
  10. i am not going to sign up for hawkeye report, but...

    i do not know the specific allegations and i did not ask the one party involved that i have a relationship with because it is none of my business...

    one point that i want out there is that several safe sport reports have been filed and USAW refuses to do anything about it at all...

    any sexual relationship between a coach and their athlete is specifically forbidden and that it has happened openly can not be denied...

    and yet USAW does nothing and makes excuses for why they will not...

    that is a huge problem...

    and speaks to the main issue of absolutely no accountability throughout the organization...

    • Fire 2
  11. 28 minutes ago, bnwtwg said:

    He’s 29 (so is Richards) and that might as well be 89 years in career 57kg guys. Most can’t even hold it more than three years in college. Might have been a tougher cut than years past?

    Or maybe there is something in the water at Champaign-Urbana. I’ll go with the latter.

    All true…

    losing half a step is out of the game for us midges…

    Still, just looking at his face took me aback a little…

    Never saw him look that bad…

    he took the mat… no excuses…

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