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Danny Deck

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  1. This doesn't include the kicker about how he could stay if his parents had come illegally, but here's a Bloomberg story for anyone else who doesn't Twitter. https://news.bloomberglaw.com/us-law-week/removing-documented-dreamers-harms-economy-senators-to-hear Actually here's another article actually by Billy Binion. https://reason.com/2024/07/08/he-immigrated-to-the-u-s-as-a-child-he-was-just-kicked-out-because-he-came-here-legally/ Lots of crazy things about our immigration system. Having a secret password to be let into the country is at the top, but kicking out people who have had all of their education in the American system right when they look to start contributing to the economy is second.
  2. T-Mobile has a 5G home internet plan as well. It was plenty fast when I did the test drive (caveat, I don't game), but didn't play nicely with the work VPN. Overall, if you can get fiber, I think that's still the way to go even if it's more expensive. I have AT&T and it has been solid.
  3. I couldn't find the 2017 version, but I assume these questions from 2014 were the same in 2017 to get the graph in the tweet. If they asked these questions every time, I'm not sure you have to hold the left most possible position to pick the liberal position in this survey. The tweet makes it sound like it's more about pushing the position to the left, i.e. from legal abortion up to 16 weeks to legal abortion the entire pregnancy. This seems more like people are becoming less ideologically heterodox and that's somewhat more pronounced on the left than the right. "Today, almost four-in-ten (38%) politically engaged Democrats are consistent liberals, up from just 8% in 1994. The change among Republicans since then appears less dramatic – 33% express consistently conservative views, up from 23% in the midst of the 1994 “Republican Revolution.” But a decade ago, just 10% of politically engaged Republicans had across-the-board conservative attitudes." https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2014/06/12/political-polarization-in-the-american-public/
  4. Things look bad for the Democrats, but the implied 50 state sweep for Republicans here won't happen either.
  5. Had Biden announced he wasn't running again after the mid-terms, I think they would have had lots of options. Biden saying he was running prevented them from finding a decent candidate. Now they have logistical problems as much as they have trouble identifying a candidate. Whitmer and Shapiro are popular governors of important electoral states and seem like they'll be early front runners for 2028 regardless of what happens this year. I like Jared Polis. I'm sure they wouldn't be palatable enough to the national Democratic party, but from an electoral success standpoint, Andy Beshear and Roy Cooper have both won governorships twice in red states. I just hope it doesn't end up being some senator who hasn't actually had to get anything done other than make speeches.
  6. Oh wow, they got Caro for the first episode. I'm going to give this a listen.
  7. Checking in here. Top books read since February: The Friends of Eddie Coyle by George V. Higgins Oscar Wars by Michael Schulman The Demon of Unrest by Erik Larson Re read The Last Picture Show by Larry McMurtry and I love it even more. I've also been reading the Throne of Glass series in hopes that I'll understand more of the Reels the lady friend sends me. I feel like they have definitely gotten better although Fantasy isn't generally my preferred genre. Reading Independence Day by Richard Ford and Easy Riders Raging Bulls by Peter Biskind now. So far a big fan of both.
  8. https://www.joshbarro.com/p/progressive-groups-lie-because-lying
  9. He lost 60/40 so I'm skeptical his loss is solely because of AIPAC's influence. I'd put the fire alarm stunt higher on the list for instance. It looks to me like his district is pretty well to do, so first things first, don't embarrass your constituents.
  10. Deregulate the housing market and remove electricity subsidies and those prices are going to skyrocket and hit those on the line of poverty first and hardest. A one week pause in inflation in the cost of food is good, but could be pretty ephemeral too. His policies may be necessary and eventually succeed, but the short term pain will be tremendous.
  11. Obviously I can't prove it, but I'm firmly convinced that but for the BLM protests, he would have picked Kloubuchar as VP, and would have at least been more likely to not run again. Kamala not having the juice, but being next in line is what's gotten us here on the Democratic side.
  12. I thought this was an interesting viewpoint from a TV writer: https://imightbewrong.substack.com/p/in-hell-i-will-be-forced-to-assign?utm_source=publication-search Of course, there’s also this: If a writer thinks “There are gay couples in real life, so I’m going to make one of the two couples on my show gay,” and every writer does that, then suddenly half the couples on TV will be gay. And on the one hand: Fine with me, I don’t demand that TV demographics perfectly match the real world. On the other hand: The actual share of same-sex households in the US is 1.44 percent. I don’t think there’s a fix for this; I don’t recommend that the Writers Guild create Gay Character Permits and hand them out at the beginning of pilot season. I think that the “fix” is for viewers to understand that writers are trying to craft realistic scenarios, but we’re operating in the dark, and many of us are also writing while high, so please try to cut us some slack.
  13. Grocery store, farmer's market, meat market. This is getting to be a full day of shopping.
  14. They do this for Mother's Day as well. It can be a painful reminder for any number of reasons.
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