The debates prior to passage contemplated this issue and it passed anyway.
"Senator John Conness from California, the state most impacted by Chinese immigration, favored a broad definition of citizenship was perhaps influential. Conness supported the idea "that the children of all parentage whatever, born in California, should be regarded and treated as citizens of the United States, entitled to equal civil rights."' He stated further that the Senate should take no further trouble on account of the Chinese in California or on the
Pacific coast. We are fully aware of the nature of that class of people and their influence among us, and feel entirely able to take care of them and to provide against any evils that may flow from their presence among us. We are entirely ready to accept the provision proposed in this constitutional amendment, that the children born here of Mongolian parents shall be declared by the Constitution of the United States to be entitled to civil rights and to equal protection before the law with others."
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