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Everything posted by Viratas

  1. LMAO, I never got you banned. Why would you say such a silly thing? Even when people somewhat agree with you, you are caustic. I find it cute. Anyways, no need to get circular with you. Still laughing that you thought I got you banned. I would never in a million years want to see you banned. You and coach sparky are two of the best comedic posters of all time!
  2. Still the same old BB, you know the point but you are the king of the Straw man...
  3. You are not wrong. I agree that, to some extent, that is true; they may grow out of it, but maybe they won't. We have raised kids basically with two different generations. With our oldest (25), we were young parents. Now with our younger two (11) and (13), we are the older parents. This new group of parents are a massive pain in the ass, and they take helicopter parenting to a level I did not know was possible. We are not, and people think we are nuts, lol. It is fun. On a serious note, though, there is a vast paradigm shift related to culture and age, much like the late 60's into the 70's IMO.
  4. For the record, you said it not us.... - Educators may know "their arena" but only know what they know. They need help to look at it from a different perspective. Engineering (which I don't know anything about) has hard facts; education not so much. It is more philosophical. The analogy does not fit. Not all educators are dopes either.
  5. Is this "The Spladle"?
  6. The current generation, 18-30 IMO is a special kind of dumb. I have a daughter of this age whom several of you are familiar with from the old days. When it comes to the world and what is happening, they have zero clue. I mean, like dense. Just spend 10 mins on social or watch something like love island, and you will see. Side note FL is an extraordinary kind of Stupid! People here are a hot mess.
  7. Whatever Bracket M* was in, those brackets always had soooo much excitement.
  8. Maybe I am off, but I think this statement is accurate. Discuss
  9. I see BB is Still working on winning people over with his "accepting" brand of libralism! Go BB!
  10. 1. China Sucks. 2. Apple is a joke and creates vendor locks, which is terrible for the consumer. There is a reason they have been losing market share for seven straight years 3. People, companies, and most political wonks (both sides) are hypocrites - Mic drop - PS.... YOU STILL HAVE NOT CALLED OR TEXT ME! SERIOUS MAN FOLLOW UP OR I WILL FLEX AND BLOW THIS WHOLE UP! (look how big I can make the font)
  11. Thought I would share. http://bit.ly/3TJrPeX
  12. So are we eliminating them or not? At the risk of sounding absurd, this issue should have been resolved in four pages, not five. (see what I did there)
  13. There is like two lines that explains why they never find the bodies. "nobody lives within 100 miles, so no one ever thinks to lean over the edge." Also, it's in Wyoming so it's their problem.
  14. According to the state of Indiana (from 2018) 64% of 2018 high school graduates earned AP, dual credit or both. It may be absurd to think that has went up, but I find it reasonable to think it has. I mean it is more than half
  15. I see what you are saying. A fully funded wrestling team has 9.9 per season. If you had no redshirts, you might have a smaller roster, but doubtful (assuming there was no longer any redshirting). So if with redshirts you have 20, you divide up your 9.9 how you see fit. If you no longer can redshirt, you probably still carry 20, thus in the same place. If you have no redshirts and hold 15, sure, more money is now available. The point being, AND I COULD BE WRONG (I want to make that super duper clear for the more sensitive types), is that having or not having a redshirt most likely has no impact on scholarships.
  16. No guns blazing, sorry, was just my opinion, based on my experience. I am glad you are confident in your unsolicited comment. I stand by what I said, I know I am a simpleton with very little knowledge, but sometimes even us plebes have opinions. I will also make sure I like your comment so to help further boost your confidence. I will strive to do better sir.
  17. Yes, sorry about that.
  18. I have been away far too long and forgot that people like to cling to one word in a comment and then call you an idiot or say something like Absurd. Because I am sure your direct experiences are the same as mine. Many kids coming out of HS who are also interested in playing a college sport have some level of post-secondary courses. Kids now realize the importance of having good grades, unlike when I was coming out. Also, many parents understand that it can also save them money. So to be clear and not "Absurd," based on the athletes my daughter played with, based on all the coaches I know (in numerous sports), many student-athletes are taking advantage of post-secondary opportunities. Furthermore, AP classes are the only way an HS Student can get college credit. There are several ways students can obtain those credits without taking any AP classes. But yes, my opinion is clearly "Absurd." At least I am good at something. Thank you for setting me on the correct path.
  19. As a parent of a kid (and not an academic standout) who has gone through college and played a sport while in college, if it takes you more than four years to graduate, you are not trying. Most kids are getting at least a year of college credits while in HS if not two. Hell, that is even in FL. If these kids can do it, any kid should be able to.
  20. Having had done rankings for a long time, and knowing how hard preseason rankings are (after the returning AA). Wisconsin clearly did not respect the rankings. Serious did anyone really see that kind of a smack down coming?
  21. Yup him and Beloglazov were buddies and he brought him into the room for awhile.
  22. I recall, on a side note I had a coach (a little dude) have me watch hours of Fadzaev videos.
  23. Yes it was insane, I was sitting matside and watching Joey Leap everywhere and brands reacting like WTF... It was fun!
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