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  1. First pick of the 2025 Draft is : Heavyweight Steveson Minnesota to JVStateChamp
  2. I get why some people don’t like that Flo requires a subscription, but I don’t really see the issue. I pay for Rokfin to watch other content I’m interested in, so it’s not much different. Plus, with the way the PIAA scheduled the championships these past two years, it would’ve been impossible for PCN to stream the AA, AAA, and Girls finals all at the same time.
  3. That’s correct. Flo may not be perfect, but having access to every match is definitely an improvement over PCN.
  4. If I am not mistaken, Virginia follows the same classification system across all sports. This means that if there are six divisions for football, there are also six for wrestling. As a result, this structure creates a wider disparity in talent and dilutes the level of competition. This approach by the VHSL appears to be inefficient
  5. Last year I definitely lived up to my name as JV State Champ... I plan to improve to below .500 starter this year
  6. I believe I was in on this last year as well. If possible I will do it again... and hopefully do a lot better!
  7. Every year, I try to predict where the upsets will happen and who will go on a Cinderella run. So far, it hasn’t worked out too well—but here are my championship picks anyway: 125: Ramos 133: Byrd 141: Mendez 149: Lovett 157: Shapiro 165: Messenbrink 174: O'Toole 184: Starocci 197: Ferrari 285: Steveson I already know these predictions are probably wrong—mainly because I only have two PSU guys winning, which would be shocking given their level of talent. But hey, that’s part of the fun!
  8. Facundo seems to be making bigger gains in the freestyle realm. Looking forward a couple years it appears the Facundo/Kasak overlap is going to continue. PSU does have some flexibility with a Kasak RS but it does not seem as though Kasak would want to use it if he is the best guy. This may be an only time will tell kind of situation.
  9. No I dont seed him #1, that being because whoever he lost to would have to be of a lower caliber than SVN and Parco. Henson is the returning NCAA champ which is why I do not believe that the loss should count as a negative towards him. I would feel the same way if SVN or Parco had 2 losses and the extra loss was Henson. This is the exact reason why some coaches choose to sit their wrestlers against tough opponents. We are rewarding the two wrestlers that didnt wrestle Henson which seems foolish
  10. Although I think it is a really bad example without doing a deep dive I could come up with off the top of my head is Manville. Looking forward though we may see individuals like Facundo, Sealey, Mirasola not be able to crack the line up for multiple years.
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