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Threadkilla last won the day on June 5 2023

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NCAA All-American

NCAA All-American (12/14)

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  1. I was thinking the same thing, he was recognized at senior night,
  2. Both studs. Should be fun for the family.
  3. Is the whole family going to be employed by Iowa?
  4. If he does choose Iowa, Brands ego is going to explode.
  5. When everyone had the same inflection in their voice and sounded just like the Brands boys, they always seemed pissed, mashing dudes face in the mat oob. It was a moxy thing. Other teams would fear them. It doesn't seem like there's an Iowa style anymore.
  6. The kid is a beast. He and Haines have been with DT at MM for years. He should be the new #1. His resume is as good or better than Shapiro's.
  7. There were no surprises in the dual. One observation, why does Beau Bartlett have to keep every match in suspense until the last minute. He will wrestle to a 3 point decision if he's wrestling #1 or number 230 ranked wrestlers.
  8. I haven't read anything in this thread, but I just watched The duel, nothing shocking, I think van ness and lovett could go either way every time they wrestle, all I'd lovett scoring was in the last minute. the only thing is stuck out to me was Kasak is a badass. Obviously, winning eight on the backside last year is amazing, but the kid is are st
  9. I'd take a brown bear over the lower primates and a tiger over a brown bear and an elephant to crush them all. But a 50 Caliber will take care of whats left,.
  10. You know that started out as a joke right? He posted a pic of a chimp on Instagram and how they learned sign language, and despite knowing sign language they had still never asked a question. He said how can they develop a fight strategy if they can't ask questions. "And y'all still think a chimp is beating me in a fight...How is he suppose to develop a strategy to win? What's his sytem? @coachbarryrobinson."
  11. He was trying to keep up with Nolf for the team pin record, ref didn't call it.
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