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Everything posted by nhs67

  1. Please enlighten us with the tweets of Bono's exonerations. Show us. Please. To me, spelling something deliberately wrong still makes you turdbiscuit material. Even I know how to spell Burwikk.
  2. At this point they are wet daymares because he is probably having them while he is walking around and fully awake. For some that would be awkward.
  3. You seem upset. Is that you, Jon?
  4. Okay, bud. Go drink a cup of orange juice or something. Mellow out. See the light. Bono is as turdbiscuity as they come. Blessed be Burwikk.
  5. Well I might be thinking to agree with you when you go deeper. That said, my initial take was Top 8 and I don't think I was far off though. I think Brown at 125 is a yesteryear thing. He has struggled and gassed in some matches he would have handily won last year.
  6. Sandoval hasn't really produced in the twelve years he has already been there, has he?
  7. Sorry I didn't reply with a more detailed response. Santaniello isn't a very good example, as he is just coming up from 125 as well. Add in that he was well overranked to begin with based on a victory over Bouzakis? Not sure how or why he was ranked so highly based on one win against another RS-Frosh? I mean.. he was already on a two match skid weren't he? I get what you're trying to say or do here, but this match doesn't indicate anything. As much as I say weight classes exist for a reason, there is a reason the 133lbers don't drop to 125 either and a reason some guys find more success at 133 is because they are not in the correct weight class for their body.
  8. That he did. I don't think we will see him at 125 any longer.
  9. 18 - 16 Pittsburgh with the dancing Bear up for Maryland and the fast little good guy for Pitt. Also strong. Fast little good strong guy.
  10. Smith needs to win and then it comes down to about as big a clash of styles as you can get in a D1 HWT match.
  11. Taylor Massa and Ben Whitford were supposed to be generational for Michigan.
  12. tOhSt OkSt OrStW I got nothing for this. You know I'm your biggest fan. Actually I am kind of disappointed in myself that I didn't have a better, snarky response for you.
  13. There were some awesome matchups at the Bill Farrell across all three styles, but those aren't Folkstyle/collegiate results.
  14. Please. We need to show solidarity against our common foe, Dr. @MPhillipsand have no reason to egg him on with other fantastical. tOSU - Ohio State OSU - Oklahoma State OSUW - Oregon State
  15. I am curious as to the Seth Gross situation. The guy seems to be as cool and good as they come with a focus on his god and family. Yet he sticks around that Turdbiscuit (capital T).
  16. Looking further it looks like Fry lost to Lehigh's Luke Stanich via 11-4 Decision at the Princeton Open. Losing might not be so bad at the end of the day, but a seven point margin doesn't look good. Brendon Garcia doesn't appear to be on a roster this year.
  17. Gaitan is much like tOSU's Geog. They have both grown in to the weight. Last year they were frosh-babies. We will see on everything else. I don't like Echemendia. I think beating the shit out of your SO is a no-go and puts a black mark on the coaching staff for being willing to allow that sort of scum in the room. The same can be said for Northern Colorado with that douche-bag Baylor Fernandez.
  18. Hamiti is not their biggest name, Amos is. Amos has already been on a senior level world team. How close has Hamiti gotten to that? Has he even wrestled at a senior level tournament?
  19. Previous AA that has since regressed, based on actual results. Regressed may not be the proper word. He peaked at the right tournament and hasn't peaked as high since. I disagree on everything else you said, as well. We will never know, though. Typically we have been given examples of weight classes existing for a reason and have seen the larger guys win. Especially down here at 125/133.
  20. Honestly would rather see the 5th placers. Not because I don't think these guys are necessarily competitive with the D2/D3 gents, but because I think that using the 5th placers would create a bigger buzz around the meet. Hell, I would love for D2, D3, NJCAA, and NAIA all to have a chance at making it. Remove the 33rd qualifer and allow the NC from each of them to go. Seed them 1-4 and thave them at 33, 34, 35, and 36. Imagine last year: 1 - (33) Joziah Fry, D2, Johnson & Wales, SO, 43W - 0L 2 - (34) Brendon Garcia, D3, Adams State, SO, 22W - 3L (beat Lander's James Joplin 8-4 where Orum lost to him 3-1) 3 - (35) Brandon Orum, NAIA, NAIA, Life, SR, 14W - 3L (see above) 4 - (36) Jett Strickenberger, NJCAA, NW Kansas Tech, SO, 32W - 0L I am kind of giving the benefit of the doubt to NAIA, D3, and D2 over NJCAA there with Jett, but for argument's sake lets leave it. Here are your preliminary bouts: Fry VS Tanner Jordan, SDSU - winner faces Spencer Lee, Iowa Garcia VS Witcraft, OSU - winner faces Patrick Glory, Princeton Orum VS Antonio Lorenzo, Cal Poly - winner faces Liam Cronin Strickenberger VS Nico Provo, Stanford - winner faces Matt Ramos Those are fun matches, I think. Although I admittedly do not know anything about Strickenberger. Well, I guess that isn't true. He is now at West Virginia and is their starter: https://www.wrestlestat.com/wrestler/74382/strickenberger-jett/profile
  21. Insofar as that goes, I don't think Askren has much leg to stand on. Wasn't Bono just following the rules and stipulations that the B1G put forth? Askren is and was a known believer in it being a Plandemic.
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