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Pinnacle last won the day on February 2 2024

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NCAA All-American (12/14)

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  1. I understand that logic, but I don't think he can slow MeSenbrink down.
  2. I blame the Duals proponents. If they had come up with better arguments then maybe they'd have convinced more votes to go their way.
  3. The issue I have always had with Duals settling who the best team is that it then becomes match up dependent. Look at Nebraska, they couldn't win 4 matches against UNI but theoretically could win 5 vs Penn State. They could get lucky and pin a guy, then stall the other 5 matches and this is how we are going to crown a championship squad?
  4. Messenbrink gets held to a major if PSU is training thru, otherwise its TF city. This is hard to imagine but he looks better against the comp this year than last. Minto scores a lot himself, but Messenbrink will turn that into his own points.
  5. OK, not just how many, but who? Which Nebraska wrestlers will win? I am going Hardy beating Bartlett.
  6. Caleb Smith is the bigger 125 and can match Lightening Luke's speed, so physical advantage to Smith. Luke has mad arsenal of attacks. Toss up. Got to like Braeden Davis over Van Dee. As someone else noted, Van Dee has some L's already, so he can drop this one to Davis. Hardy is one of the few current NCAA wrestlers with a win over Bartlett. This could be low scoring and still have the most action of all 5 front side matches. Toss up. Van Ness power and pressure vs Lovett slickness and top game. I think Van Ness is a beast this year, so advantage SVN. Kasak vs Taylor. Kasak is real good on top. Taylor is super quick. Could be a drag to a go behind one TD type of match. Toss up.
  7. Too much sugar in your diet on this one, Truzzcat.
  8. Iowa as some guys that if they wrestle who is on the schedule are going to start taking some Ls. I think the gap they have on OSU is going to narrow.
  9. Ughh. Brain fart. Too much work on my desk and no coffee.
  10. Wrestler A gets 4 Tds Wrestler B gets no Tds but gets 4 escapes They both escape from bottom choice Match is tied Seems to disincentivize earning tds
  11. The result from a team race standpoint is the same. Three or four schools dominate. I will agree that smaller schools are losing guys to bigger more monied programs. Nil is here to stay
  12. Again, how so? It has been 3 or 4 schools for 65 years.
  13. Spot Davis the 4 years he needs to begin to even look like an adult and he wins easy.
  14. How is this different from the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s? I recall it was Okie State and Okie for a while, then add in Iowa and ISU. Wasn't it basically 3 or 4 schools back then too?
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