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Pinnacle last won the day on February 2 2024

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  1. 30 is the new 83.
  2. May be, but Iowa is the only realistic #2 and PSU is heavily favored to crush them at several weights
  3. McEnnelly would need to alter his style to have any shot at Starooci. Star is going to Esc and might get 2 minutes RT as well.
  4. These results are probably more indicative of their talents than their pinning everyone in the KY state tourney.
  5. Wasn't Starocci #9 last year?
  6. MSU was often wrong, just never in doubt.
  7. First time Spencer was overpowered? I don't think so. Wasn't he pinned by his mom that one time?
  8. Teemer in the 157 final? So he'll not be upset himself and will beat either Kasak or Shapiro? I don't like his chances.
  9. Anyone else think Teemer has a little of that HEW look to his game? Parco and Buchanon seem to have more energy, but Jacori seems to me like he has more to give but is kinda mailing it in. Doing just the bare minimum.
  10. So just to keep things straight, when Carter Starocci stalls he still manages to win 100% of the time and 94% of the time by bonus. When his opponents stall they lose 100% of the time and 94% of the time by bonus.
  11. The match I recall Starocci trailing in the 3rd period is the Mehki match in the NCAA Final. If there is another in that 86 match streak it doesn't come readily to mind.
  12. It was that way in Eastern Pa too.
  13. Have you heard Sanderson speak on this subject?
  14. It has always been concentrated, but it seems to be getting even more concentrated lately.
  15. Its NIL and the portal that concentrates talent at a handful of big programs. Winning under these new conditions should become trickier.
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