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Mr. PeanutButter

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Everything posted by Mr. PeanutButter

  1. Really like Buchanan's activity level this match despite the low score
  2. Arnold is 5'7" and has T-Rex arms.
  3. This match should have some good scores, right?
  4. My basement fridge is always full
  5. One thing I've noticed about Gabe - - he seems to share his cousin's Jden Cox sweating genes
  6. None tonight. Still working on finishing my 5L box of wine
  7. 165 was good. 157 had a couple fun exchanges. The rest of the dual has been boring and disappointing (125 was high scoring but low stakes)
  8. Teemer being healthy doesn't affect Block losing at 141
  9. Just caught sight of Imar on the bench. He eating good
  10. I don't know why anyone would rank him 2nd when SVN, Henson, and Ridge are in the weight class. Parco decided to ignore the bonus point incentive pay that's written into his contract. Looking at his wrestlestat, he has a lot of close matches on his record
  11. Estrada is pretty raw but he's showing some good stuff
  12. Iowa hasn't fully washed the ASU out of him I kid, I kid. That was a disappointing match.
  13. Jesus Christ on a motorbike. This dual has been boring so far
  14. Glad Ayala won, but sheesh. Yawn. Both guys deserved several stall calls
  15. Nah. Need that time to pee, refill my drink, and get into a quick brawl with the gaffer. Oh and ice cream!
  16. Would love to see this take off.
  17. this event could be enough to sway fairweather flo subscribers to resubscribe for a month ($29.99). Speaking for myself, I always wait at least a month or two after my annual subscription lapses and this usually coincides with a dual or, at the very least, an interesting flograppling event.
  18. 3.5 L of chillable red franzia boxed wine
  19. He is a pretty stout looking 61kg but also allegedly told Flo he could make 57. I think a catch weight of 59 makes sense but... That will be quite the pull for Ono
  20. Jesus Christ in a motorbike. I just looked at the version of this thread that you posted on HR. Gawd, MSU158 just can't help himself.
  21. he does look slimmer than he did the year he wrestled and beat Marinara
  22. You're just not sufficiently appreciating the thespian masterwork that Carter "I'm really just a swell guy" Starocci is putting on. He's actually a very humble and bright man who spends his free time working the soup kitchen. Which often interferes with his class schedule.
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