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Scouts Honor

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Posts posted by Scouts Honor

  1. yes, it was scary

    watched the dual just now... didn't know he had been hurt

    had stood up and was going to turn in to escape and just started screaming

    it was sad.

    I feel for the guy. I had forgotten that he had retired from injury, before transfer to wis

  2. i realize that evan wicks brother burr probably wouldn't have won anyway... but am i missing something... 

    that looked like danger for 5 seconds in the first period. different match if that happens 

    not sure he is an improvement over boo

    added weight to the late call burr is the takedown not counted  for hardy and won on appeal against woods... what takes a guy so long to get down and count backs? 

  3. we hosted parties at our house for rent in college. the 158 pounder was our bouncer.

    at one party, it was during the world series, he was carrying a bat.

    there was one particularly rowdy person who always was at the parties...but this time was picking too many fights.

    then he started messing with me.  so our bouncer walks up to him tapping his bat and says to the guy, it's time for you to leave.

    the guy says... so what you gonna use the bat on me.

    not missing a beat the bouncer turned the handle toward the guy and said no, you're going to need this.

    the guy just left without a word. 

    • Fire 3
  4. just a question

    in the pinto match, pinto has salazar around the waist, salazar is on his butt and pinto is kind of laying on him.

    I initially thought it was two, then saw that salazar had our hand and realized we probably weren't going to get two.

    The coaches challenged. and did not get two. 

    I could see it called either way.. 



    on this same note.. if that wasn't control... how was the 2 and 2 given later when pinto granby'd control? on replays salazar completely lets go as pinto touches the mat and so no control. should have just been 2 takedown for pinto in my opinion.

  5. 7 hours ago, Bigbrog said:

    Ban any move that may make the other wrestler uncomfortable.  🙄

    I am all for progressing the sport, but it scares me to think what wrestling may look like in the future if it goes the way some of your guy's hope for in regard to the rules and making certain moves illegal. 

    it might start to look like football

    • Haha 1
  6. 19 hours ago, Fadzaev2 said:

    Since you brought up spiral.....



    we had a ref who continually called potentially dangerous when our wrestler was using the spiral... 

    we were brutal with it, but this ref...  

    i mean... come on.. i guess you can just go over... 

  7. 14 hours ago, Fadzaev2 said:

    You can call it the bow and arrow.....I call it a bent leg turk....part of the turk series...inside leg turk, outside leg turk, folded leg turk and the BENT LEG TURK as discussed by the great one Dave Schultz and demonstrated by one of his greatest protege's, David Lee.  Have a couple of great videos in my library with Schultzie teaching leg wrestling ......some of my favorite videos.  He turned legs into hip tips, bars and more.  The Master and loved and respected by the Russians.  Fadz


    if dave schultz did it... you can rest assured, its a punishment move!! lol


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