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Scouts Honor

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Posts posted by Scouts Honor

  1. 8 hours ago, RockLobster said:

    Not even remotely true:

    "In the eyes of the left" - Donald is an oversized spoiled child who throws temper tantrums and won't stop.

    Moderate Democrats don't dislike Nikki Haley at all. And Desantis - he's not all that bad. Moderate Democrats have no problem with GOP competition. It's just politics and, for the most part, the governing doesn't change all that much either way.

    The difference this year is the unhinged half-crazy and half-senile old Donald. If you listen to any of his rambling nonsensical tirades, it's obvious he isn't mentally stable. His senior advisors tell him to say something meaningful and useful - but he can't do it. A zebra can't change its stripes. He's a mean spirited old bastard that needs to go.


    how quickly you forget.

    romney gave a woman cancer


  2. 3 hours ago, mspart said:

    Nice.   I lived on Oahu for 4 years and would have visited if I ever found it.   Nice place!  The water looks like the water adjacent to the Honolulu airport.   Where is this?



    what were you doing there? 

    i want to work for the seed corn companies that operate out of there

  3. 4 hours ago, ThreePointTakedown said:

    Why is 'changing your mind' brought up as a bad thing like they can't make up their mind? 

    Isn't it better to admit that you may not have had all the facts when you first made up your mind on an issue? 

    Is changing you mind a weakness? 

    if you stand for nothing, you will fall for anything


    which way is the wind blowing...

    • Bob 1
  4. 2 hours ago, uncle bernard said:

    1. Executive order and legislation existed his last term and he failed. What's different this time around? 

    2A) I don't think illegal immigration is near the top of this country's problems.

    2B) A wall doesn't solve illegal immigration. They'll find ways around it and it does nothing to address people here on expired visas which is about half of the country's illegal immigrants.

    3) What's his biggest achievement? All of the problems he said he'd fix are the same problems that exist today.

    4) What's the biggest impact he had on the country? Didn't build a wall. Economy grew around the same rate as Obama until the pandemic. Certainly didn't stop the pandemic from ruining the economy. Deported less people than Obama. Failed to repeal ObamaCare. The Swamp is still there. So, what's the big achievement? A tax cut? I think most Republicans could have gotten that tax bill passed under the same circumstances. 

    5) Your number 1 thing on here is "personal accountability" and Trump is one of the least accountable people I've ever seen. Everything is always someone else's fault.

    1. perhaps , unlike obama and biden, he wanted to do it the right way? 

    2. ask chicago and new york

    2b. it will help

    3. jross has a good list.

    4. maybe he had to deport less, b/c fewer were poring across the border

    5  that may be true.. but he's no less accountable than the big guy, or kamala... they can't decide who is responsible for bidenomics

  5. 4 hours ago, uncle bernard said:

    Okay, so how is he going to get things done this time? Throw out the constitution?


    I'm glad he didn't build a wall. It's stupid and a waste of money.

    The reason for pointing it out is because the whole premise of this thread is that he "gets things done," which he doesn't. He's subject to the same partisan gridlock that Biden was and he will be subject to it again.

    He didn't "get things done" better than any other potential candidate. In fact, I think it's more likely a non-Trump Republican would be able to get more done because more conservative dems would be willing to sign onto things that weren't directly tied to him.

    You like Trump because he scratches your itches with his rhetoric, not because he's actually an effective President.

    i can show you a lot more wasted money... that the wall would prevent

    • Fire 2
  6. 4 hours ago, mspart said:

    Just another example of a man bereft of honesty.


    Some will come on here and say it was his staff that lied.   Ok, but did Walz correct them?  Did Walz direct them?   It seems that this was discussed before hand and it was decided how to respond if it comes up.   They completely lied and made up stuff.   And Walz did not have the honesty to correct them.   Whether he directed them to say it or not, he is just as complicit for his lack of integrity.  

    He has lied about his service and his rank at retirement.   He has lied about being in war.   These lies have continued through the years as he was never called on them.   He lied about being arrested for drunk driving.  


    18 years and he never noticed 

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