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Scouts Honor

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Posts posted by Scouts Honor

  1. Just now, ThreePointTakedown said:

    Your irrational fear is represented by the person on the right. They don't really have a place in the conversation and I'm curious why you would support/post something like this as a point to your opinion unless you agreed with it. So it seems as if both of these situations are misunderstood by you and that may inspire your fear of them. 


    The person on the right.

    Why do you offer up and bash someone you don't like to support this point?

    Why does the pregnant person not get a choice in the process? I think you've mentioned before, something like, 'they've made the choice to create the pregnancy and now must live with the consequences'. Is that correct. 

    If so, how is that not support to punish someone for getting pregnant? I guess you'll say, 'no'. But seeing as I can spin it to sound just that way, why doesn't that bother you that some, many pregnant people, feel its punishment? 

    why must i listen to people tell me a fetus isn't a person, when they gaslight me about a man dressing up as a woman.

    i really dont care about the man playing dress up, i never have, until they started to try to take women's places.


    the pregnant person did get a choice.

    my parents had my brother when they were 16/17.  they had me at 19/20. still together

    it was not easy. my mother was sent away... my gma hated her. so it wasn't like they had all this support.


    convenience and economics are  the number one reason for abortion


  2. 22 minutes ago, red viking said:

    How about proposing a 1 year jail sentence for anybody that burns the American flag? Clearly violates the 1st amendment but right-wingers continue to ignore the Constitution. 

    How about making ALL police officers immune from prosecution? 

    In Trump's crazy fantasy world, a cop would be off the hook criminally for shooting and killing whoever he feels like but somebody that burns their own American flag in their own house would go to jail for a year. SCARY!!!! 

    how about promising to forgive student loans?

    it's just a way to buy votes.

    btw, he won't do it. and if he did , it wouldn't last.


    although i might be ok with deporting any non citizen that does so.

    • Bob 1
  3. 13 hours ago, RockLobster said:

    Nobody, and I mean, nobody knows what he will say or do.

    He's a loose cannon - he's where senile meets half-crazy. 

    That's what you get with a nearly 80 year old fossil - the oldest nominated presidential candidate in history.

    This old dude farts dust.

    We will make a choice to do better than a half-crazy, senile old dust farter.

    he has been this way his whole life.

    see his show.

    1986: We have the NFL right where we want them. 

    he got a dollar 

  4. 11 hours ago, billyhoyle said:

    We have nuclear weapons-we aren't going to be invaded. My point is that this guy's prediction was wrong because the premise happened and the country itself is more successful than it has ever been by almost any measure. So yeah, eventually it all may go to shit, but the reason won't be for what this guy thought it would be. 

    i would venture that it is being invaded.

  5. 12 hours ago, billyhoyle said:

    It's interesting that since he wrote this, the U.S. has been extremely successful relative to the rest of the world (1950s to present).  When is the collapse supposed to happen? The countries that are the most socially oppressive tend to be the ones that collapse (Soviet Union, Iraq, Lebanon, etc). 

    we are so oppressive people continue to stream across our borders just for a taste of the boot.

    • Bob 1
  6. 12 hours ago, RockLobster said:

    I'd tend to agree with you.

    But you've been posting like such a hateful dipshit so much lately. Yes, in particular, toward me for no valid reason. 

    You're completely untrustworthy and post like POS with a broken compass.

    I agree with the Israeli cause, but I don't agree that it excuses you from posting like a complete nonstop a**hole.

    If you'd like to be part of joining US citizens with Israel support... as I do... get your shit together. Put a collar on that mindless hate.

    you wanted a fresh start... then continued to act like a tool

    • Bob 1
  7. 19 minutes ago, red viking said:

    It's where right wingers have no idea what they're talking about and just fill in all their knowledge gaps with the craziest idea possible that also fits their righte-wing agenda. 

    sounds like that 'working explanation' we heard about from RL

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