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Scouts Honor

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Everything posted by Scouts Honor

  1. why must i listen to people tell me a fetus isn't a person, when they gaslight me about a man dressing up as a woman. i really dont care about the man playing dress up, i never have, until they started to try to take women's places. the pregnant person did get a choice. my parents had my brother when they were 16/17. they had me at 19/20. still together it was not easy. my mother was sent away... my gma hated her. so it wasn't like they had all this support. convenience and economics are the number one reason for abortion https://www.guttmacher.org/journals/psrh/2005/reasons-us-women-have-abortions-quantitative-and-qualitative-perspectives
  2. how about promising to forgive student loans? it's just a way to buy votes. btw, he won't do it. and if he did , it wouldn't last. although i might be ok with deporting any non citizen that does so.
  3. i have posted this on a few different topics
  4. he has been this way his whole life. see his show. 1986: We have the NFL right where we want them. he got a dollar
  5. but independent thought all the same i remember a Maddow commercial i happened to see one time it literally said we will show you what to think
  6. i would venture that it is being invaded.
  7. we are so oppressive people continue to stream across our borders just for a taste of the boot.
  8. you wanted a fresh start... then continued to act like a tool
  9. sounds like that 'working explanation' we heard about from RL
  10. for the dummy in the front HE SAID it was a bullet
  11. white liberal women in the board rooms
  12. if this is real... as im finding it might be good. put the screws to them still doesn't excuse 10/7
  13. in another post i was asked why i believe a post on twitter. i wonder why you believe anything in support of hamas
  14. someone hasn't been paying attention
  15. lol im just providing things you should be thinking about
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