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Scouts Honor

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Everything posted by Scouts Honor

  1. not good for sure
  2. very scary indeed
  3. i wondered when someone would point out i was calling him a dick
  4. your old tired argument is... that anyone that disagrees with you is wrong... get over yourself. good day.
  5. https://www.givesendgo.com/GA28Z?utm_source=twitter
  6. so this is the part where you say, yes, you are right... my post wasn't pertinent
  7. yes, your insult is not pertinent to the discussion and in fact, is a logical phallacy i believe, diminishing the opponent
  8. I love this post! SPOT ON.
  9. im not sure rule changes do anything, unless you are talking about rules regarding recruiting etc..not actual match rules now, getting guys into Admin and tV deals... definitely but football and bball didn't magically take over i agree... but are much more popular.. the deal football made in the 80's was incredible...b/c football is popular...not b/c of rule changes
  10. you aren't going to overcome the problems with this... we offered these immediately when they were available, b/c we had kids tell us they didn't come out b/c of singlets... this was 2008/9 or so... and not one of them came out... we still offer them. we have the same numbers we have always had... thru a few different coaches
  11. disagree, wrestling fell behind b/c it has a stigma attached to it, weight cutting, and the idea of hard work beyond any other sport. Im not saying they dont work hard... its just different...and cutting weight makes it worse.
  12. how about we just get rid of wrestle backs...this would kill two birds with one stone no reason to devalue points in the wrestle backs.. and we wouldn't have near as many MFF JK JK JK JK
  13. same old argument you make and not even pertinent
  14. i like all of those.. even the one im going to gripe about... rohn v lambrecht... was it really a good match.. until the pin? tremendous list!!!!
  15. stalling still occurs in freestyle, push out or not wrestling has gotten better? im not sure... i still think guys just go to their knees and guys with a hi single up just push the guy out.. no attempt to finish... i have always enjoyed wrestling. free and folk... greco... a little.. if you get the right guys i dont see a problem with what we have. i really love edge wrestling but yeah.. i get the whole tired arguments thing... i keep hearing how it will make it better and I dont believe it's so it's like a kids game... you are off the base, your it!! and what did he really do even the controlling the middle argument is ... bleh... so what... you are stronger than the other guy... did you attempt anything?
  16. thanks thats what i figured
  17. whats going on
  18. thats what im thinking...but why why the change back... although its not undoing the past changes... which would make sense if thats what they are thinking
  19. Im not sure 3 points is the answer, but maybe... b/c it will just become freestyle where guys dont finish... DONT EVEN TRY... they just push them out
  20. didn't we just de-emphasize champions a few years ago? now we are de-emphasizing the wrestle backs... why? NO PUSH OUT
  21. btw I like Devaney as a venue.. perhaps a bit big .. but when the right team comes in.. its packed and loud. when did you attend at Devaney?
  22. Devaney the current home of the Huskers, the coliseum at Nebraska, the old home, Iowa/Iowa State at carver, incredible OSU v. Nebraska at gallagher Iba and I chanced into a dual at ASU v. Nebraska . the asu venue was awesome. It would have been amazing had it been well attended we had just flown in for vacay over christmas break and few bowl games and had to speed to get there... missed the first match i think... the nebraska bench turned to see who was yelling go big red!
  23. this year was kind of an anomaly for the finals as well. I can't remember the last time saturday night was this exciting . maybe Most fans remember how boring they can be and choose not to watch the average person does not watch wrestling, unless someone takes them by the hand and watches with them
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