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Scouts Honor

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Posts posted by Scouts Honor

  1. 3 minutes ago, Wrestleknownothing said:

    To re-emphasize champions?

    Over the years, first place points have been shrinking as a percent of total points. Perhaps they want to reverse that trend.

    thats what im thinking...but why

    why the change back...

    although its not undoing the past changes... which would make sense if thats what they are thinking

  2. 1 minute ago, Dogbone said:

    It's crazy to me that this is a rule that needs to be added.... 100% Yes! 

    I think folk style will be better with a pushout rule, ideally TD would be changed to 3 points and pushout point = 1 to encourage guys to finish the single leg as opposed to just running guys out of bounds but you have to start somewhere.    I don't think it would be terrible if it was both feet out (for pushout point) either but willing to see how whatever gets implemented plays out. 

    Im not sure 3 points is the  answer, but maybe... b/c it will just become freestyle where guys dont finish... DONT EVEN TRY... they just push them out

    • Fire 1
  3. Devaney the current home of the Huskers, 

    the coliseum at Nebraska, the old home, 

    Iowa/Iowa State at carver, incredible

    OSU v. Nebraska at gallagher Iba

    and I chanced into a dual at ASU v. Nebraska . the asu venue was awesome. It would have been amazing had it been well attended 

    we had just flown in for vacay over christmas break and few bowl games and had to speed to get there... missed the first match i think... the nebraska bench turned to see who was yelling go big red!

  4. i dont think it had anything to do with it

    but im surprised no one mentioned we are butting up against basketball.

    I think the cable numbers are down b/c of streaming.

    yes options are the same... but the smart buy is NOT cable.. so more people are using the streaming options.

    i have used Hulu for 5-6 years now..maybe more.. and have espn+ as part of it.


    oh i know what happened... my son and daughter were home... so they watched it with me... we didn't have 3 tv's in 3 different cities... sorry guys 

  5. Just now, flyingcement said:

    Who is feeding and who is eating (other than Glory)

    i have been told repeatedly that b/c Im a conservative that i am a terrorist.

    yet, brooks is in danger from a group that has been embraced by the correct ppl here (media) ...


    and that group has beliefs and ACTIONS which go way beyond most conservative views

  6. 1 hour ago, BigRedFan said:

    Why?  "whether or not the worldview or religion put forth is true or not. " (and not because of the poor grammar)

    Any argument or discussion that is based on whether a particular religion is true is a non-starter.  In fact, that's pretty much the reason for this whole thread.

    its funny that people here are attacking brooks for attacking a religion..

    when they are attacking EVERY religion... 


  7. 7 hours ago, Bardamu911 said:

    I agree with you 100% but sadly we're in the minority here. I'm gonna get dragged to hell here but I swear those champions who rushed over to shake hands with him now have a stain on them that won't wash off. It's not like some random politician who we happen to disagree with, it's a man who actively continues to try to undermine our democracy. Acknowledging that makes us snowflakes? well ok then let it snow. 

    a stain... out damned spot!!

  8. 7 hours ago, buckshot said:

    I agree that you should respect the office but I think it's a two-way street that includes doing what every other POTUS in history has done and stepped down when his time was up. In his case he's still touring the country and claiming to be the rightful POTUS while working to divide Americans and actively rooting for our country to fail because he thinks it would be good for him politically. So since he has shown zero respect for the office, American traditions and our laws I don't believe he deserves anybody's respect. Just think of how many lives have been ruined just because of the election lies he told, he should be ashamed of himself for turning decent people into felons solely because they believed his lies. When you hear stories about kids not having their mother or father around because evil Joe Biden is holding them as political prisoners just know that none of them would be in jail if he had just done what countless better men than him have done and conceded the election.

    im so sorry this is happening to you 

  9. 7 hours ago, buckshot said:

    I'm fairly certain that he did not enjoy seeing other people winning or being honored. I'm somewhat certain he thought he was going to a WWE event and that he'd be brought into the ring and honored for making their HoF. I'm 100% certain that at some point he told the people around him that if he had wrestled he'd have won all ten weights every year and would have been his own coach. I also suspect that he claimed that Trump University has more titles than PSU does in the last decade.

    im so sorry this happened to you

  10. 7 hours ago, GreatWhiteNorth said:

    Former president attended the tournament, that is clear.

    Was it a PR move? Was he showing respect for wrestling? Was he boosting morale for a group he thinks will protest for him after he's arrested on Tuesday (according to him)? Was he sincerely interested in following the wrestlers' performance? Did he really pay attention to any of the matches at all?

    Meh - nobody really knows.


    At least some of the wrestlers went for photo-ops with him, that is also clear.

    Did they support him? Did they just want to get a photo-op with someone famous? Did someone else encourage them to do it even if they didn't care? Did they want to participate in his election campaign? Did they want a photo before he is arrested and put in jail? 

    Meh - nobody really knows.

    now explain obracketology

  11. 1 minute ago, scourge165 said:

    Are you drinking?


    You're having an ENTIRELY different conversation than the rest of us and I have zero clue what you're talking about.

    What Max Dean EVER viewed as a bad guy? If so, why? He did have a nice interview, you felt for him, he was emotional. Not sure what that has to do with this topic. The "People" who see what they want to must be you in this case as I never saw anything other than a great Wrestler who...by all accounts was a good guy.

    With Brooks, if you still think we're just seeing what we want to see and that he said NOTHING controversial(despite still not having ACTUALLY WATCHED it)..fine. 

    ok both of you listen up

    numbers...189327489273489 mentioned that star was humble in his interview.

    i should have said i also saw a star tweet about max dean.

    very humble and praising max.

    so maybe star has grown. or maybe he hasn't. maybe he was always a good person. but other people find something bad to chip away at them...

    just like this whole brooks thread....

    are you getting closer? 

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