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Scouts Honor

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Posts posted by Scouts Honor

  1. the commish was delaying the release of the tv deal to keep people from having options, in my opinion.

    you knew, that once he said apple tv that it was over.


    the b12 courted the pac12 to create a super conference.


    I have heard: the pac12 balked, b/c the big12 had schools with religious affiliation.

    • Fire 1
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  2. 1 hour ago, Ban Basketball said:

    Actually, you trust research for the very reasons contained in the article.

    If the peer review process doesn't catch it, something or someone else will.  Just happened to Stanford's President as well.

    the problem is, in many cases the damage is done before it is found....

  3. 20 hours ago, Wrestleknownothing said:

    Another way to think about it is that they want to create uncertainty about the actual date. It will probably be somewhere in the 2 week window, but who wants to organize protests on either side where the date of the protest is unknown? The logistics are just too difficult. People have daily lives. They can't just hit pause for 2 weeks, or be on constant call.


  4. 17 hours ago, Ban Basketball said:

    That was related to how COVID information was contained?  I think it just simply meant that those folks at Pfizer got first dibs.

    yes, why didn't we KNOW about the special batch.

    was it even a vaccine? 

    it's just one instance.


  5. 6 minutes ago, Ban Basketball said:

    Well, on the surface, that would seem intuitively true.  However, there is a notion sociology, that goes by many different names, known as the Knowledge-Information Paradox.  The idea is that we have more information at the touch of our fingers today than at any other time in history, but the paradox is is that with SO MUCH information, it's becoming harder and harder to ascertain the truth.  Look at how we can't even agree on reality today.  There is no issue that doesn't conjure up alternative views of reality, completely divorced from reality.

    I'm a huge believer in it and simply call it, TMI.  We have too much information,  in my view.

    i agree. in the old days we accepted things as the truth. but now so many more have a voice b/c of tech. we can see the truth


    an example of being fed wrong info is the covid outbreak and the attempt to contain it.

    the people who saw and knew the truth were silenced.

    many lost their jobs b/c they wouldn't get the jab... based on the propaganda.

    AND it WAS propaganda. not science. 


    • Fire 3
  6. 1 hour ago, WrestlingRasta said:

    Starting Monday, the street running in front of the Fulton County courthouse (GA) will be shut down for two weeks. Barricades and other security measures are in place.

    Two weeks.   That sounds like a little more going on than processing just one man.   If they are preparing for this big of a reaction...........hmmmmmm.

    so far, no reaction whatsoever

    2 people with signs saying trump should be in jail

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