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Scouts Honor

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Posts posted by Scouts Honor

  1. with all the self help books available im surprised more people dont realize that this may help many people.


    these wrestlers found something to help them through their lives. they are just trying to help someone else who is having trouble finding meaning in life. Fame and success don't do it. Just ask all those hollywood actors/actresses in rehab.

    i dont see what the problem is.

    i mean, we could have ferrari out there all the time... better right? 

    • Bob 2
    • Brain 1
  2. 2 hours ago, Wrestleknownothing said:

    I think the post match interview with Haines gives us a clue. Lewan's defense is elite. He uses it to look for the counter attack. So you either need to be very clean and very careful in your attack (and you see Haines take a couple cautious attacks in the first two periods), or you need to wear him down to blunt the effectiveness of any counter attack.

    In the interview, Haines talked about needing to stay on Lewan's head to wear him out and get that clean attack. And in that match Lewan does not budge from the M in the center of the mat for 6 minutes. But then you can see him wear down and he starts backing up in the final minute. This is when Haines makes it look so easy to take him down that you wonder why he didn't do it sooner. And I think the answer is, it would not have worked sooner.

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  3. 21 hours ago, Wrestleknownothing said:

    My favorite part of that interview was when he admonished the reporter by saying something along the lines of, "you keep focusing on outcomes"


  4. 21 hours ago, Wrestleknownothing said:

    I am confused by this. Levi Haines has been in 5 OT matches in two years (11%), all against guys with winning records (Lewan twice, Robb, Zerban, Saldate) who make the tournament. And if he never wrestled Lewan it would drop to 7%.

    Meanwhile, Lewan has had 16 OT matches in the past two years (31%), including one against someone with a losing record. And without Haines it would be 28.5%. 

    There is a significant style difference between these two wrestlers and going to OT is obviously driven by Lewan's style.

    i dont disagree, simply asking... why aren't they attacking as much against lewan.

    seems a winning strategy.


  5. 21 hours ago, PortaJohn said:

    Its easy not to blame the other wrestlers because we all know Lewan's strategy.  Amine has used a similar strategy with his opponents as has Beau Bartlett.  Circle, square up, hand fight, stay within the center of the cylinder.  Plod along, every once in a while dive in on the legs, but mostly try to score on counters and reattacks.

    As to the Levi comment he's nearly doubled his bonus rate this year and will most likely continue to  increase that stat throughout his career.  And yes Haines had more attacks in the finals.  That was a bizarre statement

    and to think so many on here want college to  become freestyle.

    you just described the new stay in the center strategy for freestyle.

    sounds boring.

    I challenge you to count the number of attacks by both wrestlers.

    i agree levi has more bonus this year... but why won't he attack lewan? 

  6. someone posted a video of an extended MM interview. I can't find it now.  I thought it was it's own thread.


    anyway, i think his words are perfect.

    it surprises me to think that most aren't aware of these thoughts or ideas.  

    I used these same types of things in coaching in the 90's. (MM's dad was a hs coach so maybe he gets it from him)

    I told my wrestlers I didn't care if they won or lost. I only wanted them to try to improve their position constantly and work as hard as they could to score points in any situation. I wanted them to think/react to/about what was next... not about the last situation but what happens now.

    If Cael is the only one preaching this, then it's easy to see why PSU is better than anyone else.

    But I think it's more : you can't make chicken salad out of chicken _ _ _ _.

    or it's not about the x's and o's its about the jimmies and joes.

    • Bob 1
    • Brain 1
  7. On 3/11/2024 at 1:35 PM, PortaJohn said:

    I'm agnostic myself and don't believe God or any higher power is invested in me being better than someone else.  But, I've been fascinated by the number of athletes across different sports who really go full in on the God psychology.  This is just my opinion and not based on any reputable study.  Right or wrong I think the "God" in most athletes psyches is just another tool to keep them motivated and focused on success.  Creating a God as some guiding light gives them a higher purpose and can increase motivation.  So it can be a very effective tool & when competing at the highest level you need every little angle or edge you can find to keep you ahead of your competition

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  8. i find it interesting that no one points at the guys who wrestle him. (why aren't they attacking?)(don't tell me Haines had more attacks than lewan in the final)

    and many who wrestle just like him.

    one person said in another thread

    whether you are 3-24 or 21-3.. haines can take you to OT.

  9. i like the edge and out of bounds wrestling.

    you can't escape the mat. i can still pin you out of bounds. (think about the 2 foot rule in NFL makes for some fantastic highlights....same for wrestling... one toe in... takedown!)

    in free, if something touches out of bounds... back to the center.

    let them wrestle.

  10. 1 hour ago, BAC said:


    I thought it was interesting that Brands, in the pre-OSU/Iowa press conference, made reference to the "bad blood" between the two teams stemming from Olympic Coach Gable's unabashed advocacy in legal proceedings of his Iowa guy, Randy Lewis, to get the 1984 Olympic team spot instead of the guy that won trials, OSU's Lee Roy Smith (John's older brother), ultimately leading to Gable's censure by USA Wrestling. 

    But is there really any lingering bad blood?  Even in the wrestling community, far more don't know the story than know it.  And in Flo's article, they talk about Brands' references to "understanding wrestling history" and "bad blood," but completely whiff in understanding what he was talking about:

    “(Dan) Gable, Randy Lewis, Lee Roy Smith, 1984,” Brands said on Tuesday, going through some of the names and dates of the series, which Oklahoma State leads 29-25-2. “You can keep going. And those are things that are real, they're real, and enough time has gone by where maybe it’s, ‘Let's let bygones be bygones,’ but I'm not sure it really works that way. I think that those pains run deep. They run deep.”


    C'mon man.  Brands wasn't "going through some of the names and dates of the series."  This is one very specific event in wrestling history that exploded the rift between Iowa and everyone else, and especially with OSU.  Pretty much no one agreed it was the right outcome, except diehard Iowa fans and the arbitrator, swayed by the head Olympic Coach (and Iowa coach) demanding for a re-wrestle of the last 80-some seconds of the match.  

    But it also was 40 years ago.  Its a good bet Gable and the Smith family haven't forgotten, and Brands hasn't, but has everyone else? A longtime Iowa sportswriter authored that article and no one at Flo saw what he missed.

    If you're interested, run a google search.  You'll find a number a contemporaneous articles from 1984, which are your best source.  Or check out Wrestlers at the Trials, a neat little book by James Moffatt.  Interesting stuff.

    i agree with this... but it was hardly uncommon, in my mind.

    back then there were myriad political battles fought.

    the book 'wrestlers at the trials'? has some interesting insights into how the team was picked over the history of the olympic trials.


  11. On 2/20/2024 at 11:16 AM, Rassling said:

    My eyes did not deceive me and the beauty of the video footage is it’s the only objective witness that did not lie. I saw a cry baby preventing the inevitable and the video backed that up. Case closed Honorable Scout!

    you are referring to the hardy match correct? 

    where the PSU wrestler said ouch, the ref stopped it... and did not require injury time or choice? 

  12. 14 hours ago, JimmyCinnabon said:

    Do PSU guys get calls? Yup. 

    Do all superstars in sports get calls? Yup. 

    Specific PSU guys get calls because they are elite and Cael in general gets calls because of the program he has built. Refs are human. The best guys will get the benefit of the doubt more times than not and Penn State has had the most best guys for a long time now.  

    Davis is a superstar? 

  13. 18 hours ago, FanOfPurdueWrestling said:

    I, a self proclaimed PSU hater, began to wonder this. Is Penn state really getting the “good calls” at a disproportionate rate to other schools? 

    There are example to point out, but is that my own bias and the forums bias? Or this this actually an issue? 

    can't both be true? 

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