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Scouts Honor

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Scouts Honor last won the day on February 15

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Big Brain

Big Brain (14/14)

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  1. just some lady who knows a person who told them a story
  2. she sounds a lot like you
  3. the internet police attack speech more than the real police attack criminals in europe
  4. still can't find the fraud
  5. but there is no fraud or waste...
  6. i can't find the fraud OR the waste
  7. i just dont know why they are firing all these people
  8. we are right here... talking about the border with all the sex traffickers that you want to allow
  9. so you think the american people should continue to pay for waste.. noted
  10. so you won't post one.. noted will you post anything about the admins lies to the public
  11. or maybe the man who believed biden admin about covid
  12. says the man who believed the media about biden
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