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Scouts Honor

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Scouts Honor last won the day on February 15

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Big Brain

Big Brain (14/14)

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  1. your post was a tantrum. and for some reason you never worried about other presidents doing this
  2. anyone of these complainers complain about obama going to bball? he still does...
  3. oh i wasn't aware it was a massive cut last year
  4. so you threw a tantrum when obama went to the ncaa tourney.. and continues to go... after being out of office?
  5. you know his reasons? lol um buddy, actions are TRANSACTIONAL for every president. if you dont know this, you dont know much. you hated bush too, and would have said the same as many did. you only became magnanimous about him b/c he doesn't like trump
  6. ok, i just thought he got a lot bigger very quick. i did like i said, but I didn't look like him.
  7. i was talking about years past i thought KOT was bigger than most, then last spring he wrestled haines at WTT in omaha... and man Haines was a monster compared to KOT
  8. why does it have to align with values? teams have been going for decades... no matter WHO was president... now only if you agree with the pres?
  9. i think you made up a logistical problem after you found out trump was going show me the man and i will find the problem he creates
  10. and it goes against the established PSU wrestler body style
  11. i was looking for evidence..not sure why i did.. but i posted the pic from last year no acne... then this season. I have no idea one way or the other... Haines is someone i thought might have been he is HUGE going UP to 174... he was big already at WTT back in omaha.. i always thought KOT was big, then he wrestled haines and haines made him look small and soft
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