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Everything posted by RawDog

  1. Absolutely did not get manhandled, it was a close match and think Teemer gets him next time. Does anyone know what Estrada weighed in at? Isn't he a 149? Maybe he can suck down and fill the gaping hole Iowa has at 141. Then he wouldn't be wasting a year of eligibility. Otherwise this doesn't make any sense to me either
  2. It's all about the Raneys. Them dudes are wild. Super exciting and there is two of them. I would much rather have them than Bo.
  3. Iowa used to always have superior conditioning, not anymore. I suspect all the injuries that were adding up over the last few years has caused the brands to soften up on the intensity of practices causing them to lose their conditioning edge.
  4. I believe Steiber also had a questionable win over Ramos. I would probably give the nod to Dake as well. No red shirt and 4 different weights is just ridiculous. If Starocci wins this year he should be number 1 but if he loses i think you got to put him behind most of the three timers. Most three timers would have got 4 if they had 5 years.
  5. Do you think Arnold is unhappy at Iowa?
  6. I can't believe parco broke like that. He will never beat SVN. Teemer will be fine, he just came back from a serious injury and was still in that match with a very good kasak. He is still a title contender. Messinbrink with an insane beat down of Caliendo. Caliendo saw that intense pace three times before and had a full year to prepare for it and yet somehow the gap got larger. Who is a bigger lock to win ncaas this year, Gable or Messenbrink? Ferrari looked good. Like really really good! Buchanan had a nice savvy vet win but I still feel like it's going to be hard for him to beat Barr two more times this year. Penn State seems to have far superior conditioning up and down the lineup. What happened? Iowa used to be known for their pace
  7. Man the eye test is telling me caliendo vs Messinbrink is gonna be a lot more competitive than people think
  8. I would like to see if Ferrari could compete with Starocci. I think he might be able to get a takedown and keep the score close. Unfortunately I think Arnold gets wrecked by Starocci.
  9. That might explain arnolds less than stellar performance against Ohio state
  10. This is incredible! Thanks for this!
  11. I think Vito missed significant time last year.
  12. Lilledahl Dec cruz Ayala Dec Davis Bartlett Maj dec block SVN Dec parco Teemer Dec kasak Caliendo Dec messenbrick Haines Dec Kennedy Starocci Dec Ferrari Buchanan Dec Barr Kerk Dec keuter Penn State wins over Iowa 19-12 and most surprisingly Bartlett is the only wrestler on either team to score bonus. I bet that's never happened before.
  13. Well for the looks category it has to be Caliendo... Red hair, Built like a Greek god And most surprisingly... Somehow has zero cauliflower ear
  14. Can alirez even make the weight? He lost to Mendez at a 150 catch weight. Mendez is a lock to win it.
  15. Bumping Mendez is their only shot at winning the dual. I think DDE got majored by parco last time they wrestled. As good as parco is, Mendez is next level. Dude beat yanni and was right there with Zain to make the Olympic team. Zain and yianni are two of the best 149 pounders of all time. Mendez will be just fine up a weight. I think they should use bouzakis at 133 and Davino at 141.
  16. Yeah... Let's see if he can get a win over a topped 5 ranked opponent first. Too many Penn State fans
  17. Super gritty, super fun to watch! What a great dual. UNI really needed Downey to pull out that win. I think if he wins that match with all the momentum they had going they would have found a way to win that dual.
  18. Ohio State should roll out Davino, bump up Mendez to take out parco.
  19. Well I don't know if these celebrations are good or not but they are definitely fun to watch. I hope some starts a thread where we get to see all the good celebrations.
  20. You are correct, I shouldn't have phrased my point like that. Caleb smith is good but Lilledahl hasn't beating any of the top guys to make me think he can win a championship yet.
  21. I'm not saying smith is not good just that he's overrated. I also suspect Ramos might have had something going on last year. How often does a wrestler go from runner up to dnp without being injured?
  22. I think caliendo has an outside shot of beating messenbrink. He had multiple takedowns against him last year, he just melted under messenbrink's crazy pace. I think caliendo will be better prepared this year. 125 is not as wide open as people tend to think. Ramos hasn't given up a takedown and was leading NCAAs in tech falls going into this weekend. Not sure if he still is. I'm not sold on Lilledahl yet. He hasn't beaten anyone good. Caleb smith is overrated. If crookham is out for the year, 133 is wide open.
  23. I don't understand why people are complaining about Iowa and Ohio State coaching. Those are the only two teams to win a title outside of Penn State in over a decade. They consistently put out competitive teams every year. We should be complaining about Michigan State and Wisconsin coaching. These are big ten schools with big ten budgets and they can't seem to coach a single competitive wrestler.
  24. The crazy thing is that even if everything went Nebraska's way and they won the first 5 matches they still have no shot at winning the dual.
  25. He likely AAs this year then goes to a major program next year. With good training partners he will be a title threat next year.
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