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D3 for LU

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Everything posted by D3 for LU

  1. The conference members are slowly turning that around. PENN has a lot of team balance that translate into good dual team... Columbia (sort of) along the same lines. But in order to climb into the top 20 team results @ The Animal Show, they would have to have at least one/two hammers in their roster. To climb up further, they'll have to add to More Hammers in the lineup... NOT an easy task since they're in competition w/ the rest of Div 1 teams. Success breeds success, and so called "monster" programs have a tendency to suck the oxygen out of the room when nabbing these prime recruits. The EIWA teams got to find a prime "selling point" to convince these blue-chippers into coming on to their campuses. D3
  2. I figured it was 57Kg for FS... 55 kind of threw me off. D3
  3. When picking against Cornell (Yianni... ) D3
  4. ... more like it always sticky a tiny bit more when the pastry comes from him. (Jus' sayin') D3
  5. Vito does have his Father's smile. D3
  6. Очень хорошо, товарищ! Да, я согласен. D3
  7. Я дам вам это. Поражение Ли действительно подняло крышу в BOK... но, по моему скромному мнению, победа Вито в финале над RBY перевешивает для меня чашу весов. D3
  8. I'm surprised at you, sir... why throw shade at all? D3
  9. And in reaction to above flag note from scribers... D3
  10. As to answer the topic's question... Вито победил в конкурсе расстроенных людей. (Vito pobedil v konkurse rasstroyennykh lyudey.) D3
  11. ^^ a double, DUH, on that one^^ D3
  12. ... AND, some would say THAT part of NY is know as the frozen tundra zone. D3
  13. HOLY CRAP-O-LA!!! Is that YOU scribe? (Scribe-ster is BACK?!?) D3
  14. # FOUR for Yianni... way to go! D3
  15. Now for the match of the evening... D3
  16. Has that Spirit of 1776 thing going on... D3
  17. NCAA's to be in Philly in '25? Great news for the East Coast fans. D3
  18. Great to hear about that. D3
  19. Hey... this is what happens when you get to eat a little bit more. D3
  20. RB, BIGREDFAN... celebrate proudly! D3
  21. Russian wrestling technique coming thru... D3
  23. OUCH... somebody put a sock in those noisemakers behind the ESPN commentators! ... uh, I think Burroughs said Bonecorsi again, ON SECOND THOUGHT, KEEP IT UP GUYS! D3
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