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D3 for LU

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Everything posted by D3 for LU

  1. Really? What was Woods turning around to offer his backside to D'Emilio?!? D3
  2. Big Red's Arujau w/ a majorD over Redding Iowa St. D3
  3. @ 27th seed... I would say yeah. D3
  4. 1,2,7,8 consis 3,4,5,6 champ. D3
  5. Boy, that TriOx compound is certainly working wonders for Glory! D3
  6. That was certainly a gut-check moment for Perdue's Ramos! D3
  7. Heh,heh... ya think? 16-Zip in the1st. D3
  8. Looks like we're about to start... D3
  9. LEHIGH... 3-2 in after the 1st session. Humphreys, Samuelson, Beard in the rnd of 16... Hines & Taylor into the 1st rnd consis. D3 D3
  10. Summing up stunning losses. (Big Red fans can't be too happy about this... ) D3
  11. ... and yet, he beat the 5th seed Smith (Cardinale/WV.) Not bad for a man that's part gauze & tape, eh? D3
  12. Sensory overload, PastryMan!!! D3
  13. I think the point is taken. D3
  14. YIKES, indeed! D3
  15. The coach yelled out: "DON'T LET HIM HUG YA, CHRIS!" but it was too late... Dietrich got a free shot! D3
  16. Visa versa... Dietrich hugged Taylor (laughing all the way while doing it. D3
  17. ... it feels like I'm at a Statistical Process Control class. Will this weeks tournament be a STABLE process, or will it be Out of Control, due to excessive variations? Stay Tuned, SPC geeks... all will be answered soon. D3
  18. Ah... those creative juices are flowing. D3
  19. Well... I guess THAT'S all there, there, yes? D3
  20. Hmmm... Hopefully, there WILL be celebratory congrats on this Saturday night for TWO 4 X'ers, regardless of the "style" points to achieve it. D3
  21. So far, I don't think it changed(yet)... but you can track matches in progress, mat assignments and who's coming up next on each mat thru Trackwrestling's dashboard. It should be ALL there for you. D3
  22. Shhhhh... The 1st session has just been completed and he's waiting on the results. D3
  23. And, as always, one can follow along on the Dashboard come the start of the NCAA sessions. Who's wrestling, where, results, etc. D3
  24. ... uh, in your pastry-filled opinion, of course... D3
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