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Everything posted by jajensen09

  1. McKee did not show up to wrestle. Always has clunkers like this. Kid looked damn good early in the tournament
  2. Agreed! From Caleb's Smith perspective, would rather wrestle Ayala and Davis than Barnet and McKee. But that's just how the bracket fell at big 10s
  3. I'd don't think the seeds matter as much as matchups do
  4. Thief: Washington for ducking Wilson for 9th at 174
  5. Thats kind of a bad product to wrestle for 9th but have people duck out of it
  6. Rumor I heard is a bus full of family came to watch Carter wrestle too..... Do we have a Nikki S situation....????
  7. Speculating... but it appears Washington defaulted out of the pig tail thinking his resumee is good enough... Would be better for everyone if Wilson and Washington wrestled it out
  8. 174 will be interesting
  9. Right it's interesting. Between him and Bubba Wilson. Bubba got the 9th place.
  10. Noticed dj Washington injury defaulted out
  11. Thank you for this. Soo does that disqualify dj Washington for injury defaulting out...?
  12. Ok I get that. But big 10 has only 8 allocations but wrestling out to 9th
  13. So does anyone know the reason for wrestling out for 9th at 174? Are we sure starocci is out for ncaas
  14. How pissed Is Psu going to be with Brooks as their only champ don't forget ncaas is not in psu territory. Fans WILL be on the reffs and you won't get all the Homer calls.
  15. I said 149 on down.... Levi cutting to 149....?
  16. Smith smokes Davis, van dee is right there with naggo, hardy has and will beat fakebeau again, ridge is head and shoulders over kasak
  17. It's pretty bad. Outside of Haines how do you seed 157. Robb has 2 wins over lewan
  18. None of those guys 149 on down would start for nebraska
  19. Honestly penn state 149 on down is very average. Maybe 1 AA in that group. Not much offense
  20. Have 2 tvs fired up just in case. Hopefully you have big 10 + too
  21. Half of those taking Ls in the quarters
  22. I thought van dee would be a 2 or 3 not 4
  23. Anyone have a potential bracket of potential match ups
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