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Everything posted by jajensen09

  1. Good chance of it happening. The fall for you psu fans is going to be great
  2. Lets paint a picture for some of you Psu Homer's. Last year Brooks was a lock, Carter was a lock, kerk was a lock. This year only lock is Mesenbrink. So who are you going to count on this tournament? Beau?? Who hasn't shown he can get more than 1 take down vs any good opponent?? Oh davis that's it! Psu fans saying he was the next 3-4 timer.. Maybe there's another patern here, Psu lightweights just don't get any better by being at Psu. Beau hasn't gotten better, davis, rby regressed, any 125 pounder regressed, you could hang your hat on nick lee..... that's about it...
  3. I just don't have Penn state blinders on. Big tournament showed they are bullet proof
  4. Going up in weight to wrestle these guys is different. As McNally showed
  5. If you don't think macknally has a chance after that last match, we most have been watching 2 different matches
  6. He was also at a different weight class and didn't have 2 other elliete guys to deal with
  7. Does this years team have brooks? Or kerk winning it...? Nope or even starocii as a lock...? Don't think so
  8. Psu 125 no aa 133 no aa 141 no aa 149 no aa 156 5th 165 champ 174 4th 184 6th 197 no pints 285 3rd
  9. 125 is wide open Van dee will wrestle Doubt Minto will be #14 Allred is right there
  10. This is the best team ever hahaha. Should have had least 4 champs
  11. I like it! And is how 125 -finalist 133 AA 141 finalist 149 finalist 157 AA 165 AA 174 AA 184 AA 197 bloodround 8 all Americans and Nebraska takes the title
  12. Goes with the topic of the thread. Only 1 projected champ. Psu falling...
  13. Haines has to beat hamiti.....
  14. And he won't beat hamiti or otoole
  15. Where at
  16. 174 wasnt a blow out. Also note* all those weights you just mentioned has a guy or 2 from another team better than them at ncaas
  17. Besides maybe 3 matchs. Every match was a 1 take down match
  18. I 100% agree. You give conference allocations for the tournament so of course winning a conference title should carry the most weight
  19. There needs to be scheduling rules. Penn state wrestlers continue to have way less matches than the field. Could you imagine the kc chiefs only playing a 15 game schedule but everyone else has to play 17
  20. They didn't really destroy Nebraska. How about they start wrestling at cliff keen or doing an actual tournament. Maybe schedule uni? Arizona state??
  21. Big 10 tournament isn't just any tournament....
  22. Lol no. Nebraskas schedule compared to Penn states isn't comparable. Penn state needs to wrestle at vegas or any meaningful tournament, also try wrestling someone in the noncon. The schedule is a joke
  23. Hopefully they reward Parker for wrestling, the lack of meaningful matches psu wrestles is laughable
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