Never count Bubba Wilson out, kid had a blood cloot in his head over a year ago and continues to battle back. He also beat amine last year. Don't forget Allred beat batistda last year. About have the team is early young but talented. Rides off momentum as you seen this weekend. With Robb and labbs leading the way anything can happen. Also hardy potential finalist
Yes. I believe there is still alot of forward movement yet for this team before ncaas. Could see Bubba, allred, pinto, and however we decide at 133 all to move up. Also Liam
You forgot burwick. As well. Bring as alred and pinto both beat AAs this weekend I'm their young careers. Also Allred beat batista last year. I'll take group A. Group B has proven to never win big matches
197 is wide open. Alred beat Bastida #2 guy last year. Pinto beat returning AA this week. Hardy looks like he could make finals. Bubba Wilson beat Cam Camine last year. 125 is wide open for AAs, Cronin has a great shot.
As far as locks for Iowa aas. They have 3 lee, woods and Cass. Warner 50/50 shot. Outside of that Iowa doesn't have anyone else that will AA.
Yeah, after this weekend alot has changed. Robb, hardy, labbs should be locks. Liam, Bubba Wilson, Lenny pinto, and alred all have great chances to AA. Eye test
Something has to come out of this. I'm a huge fan of the huskers, haven't heard anything. I do know burwick won the wrestle off at 133 at nebraska and would help the husker depth. Everything seems hush hush right now