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Everything posted by treep2000

  1. 125: Malik got a little revenge. Looks good. Don't know if he'll place this year but... 133: Start Mendez NOW. Period. Sure. BOUZAKIS also dominated the frosh/soph division, but Mendez just took our Byrd. If it wasn't on the edge, he may have stuck him. 141: oh no... 149: Sammy doing sassy things 157: Paddy will be competitive but isn't the world beater this year many thought he could be 165: no show. No opinion. 174: Smitty done good. Had a tough bout with Ruth's younger brother, but, won it convincingly. No opinion change. If he doesn't AA this year he'll fall short of expectations. 184: Romero looked good. No opinion change. His takedowns seem even more powerful this tourney. 197: Hoffman... I dunno. Placed 2nd, but... still concerned. But Geog at 197??? Wow! Hwt: ornerydwarf and Feldman were no shows so no opinion change. What thoughts have you?
  2. Old fraternity nickname just before year 2000... had to do with trees... sheep... y2k... alcohol...
  3. Damn... that was amazing!
  4. I'd take Downey over Ferarri in MMA. Downey now has some legit experience plus rolled with Gordan Ryan. Both have mouths that need sewn shut, but otherwise, would be fun to watch.
  5. I think Hamiti takes Carr at this point. At NCAAs, I think Carr takes Hamiti.
  6. Forum respect is built upon your contribution to the forum, whether it be knowledge (usually gained from personal experienc), observations (usually gained as being a conscious fan/spectator), or wit/humor (you either have it or you don't). I wrestled for 12 years. Loved the sport, wasn't a D1 calibre, but have an intense love of the sport. I'm now a middle aged man living vicariously through others in my Fandom and am having fun on the mat thru BJJ. I contribute here and there, make some controversial comments from time to time, but don't really feel disrespected. We are a community of folks that care about wrestling and that is our common bond.
  7. GO BUCKS!
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