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Everything posted by Johnyt9

  1. I use the same strategy to be successful in life - set the bar absurdly low, so everything else that you do looks amazing by comparison
  2. He was asked like two questions: What is preparation like at CSU-B for the Conference tournament? and What do you think about Angelo's performance? How the F did we get all this other sh*t
  3. they said it on the broadcast any time he or Vombaur were wrestling. Vance Vombaurs dad's club team is the Bear Cave in Greeley, Co. Vombaur, Cardenas and Alirez all wrestled there.
  4. very odd though yeah
  5. you can see the results on the browser on a laptop by hovering over the match in the brackets. YOu can asle see mat assignments by going to bouts > current bouts and then selecting session 2
  6. if you click on schedule and go to session two it tells you what is happening in that session. It only takes a little bit of exploring to find the info you want
  7. https://iasportsco.smoothcomp.com/en/event/21427/schedule/brackets
  8. Real Woods..... best finish at Stanford was 6th went to the finals with Iowa.
  9. Lilledahl V Kale Peterson 3-0 PSU Nagao V Drake 3-3 Barltett V Block 6-3 PSU Van Ness V Parco 9-3 PSU Kasak V Teemer 9-6 Messenbrink V Caliendo 12-6 Facundo V Arnold 12-9 (I think Haines RS) Starrochi V Brands 15-9 Cochran V Buchannon 15-12 Kerk V Kueter 18-12 PSU
  10. class of 2024 or 2025?
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