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  1. DT looks like he might come out of the tournament as the biggest winner. Takes a 7 seed to the finals, has a guy who’s never been better than 6th beat a 2x champ, and has another guy with one of the biggest wins of all time. Gonna do wonders with transfers and recruits. Would love to see PSU get some real competition sooner than later.
  2. Who knows, but seeing as this is the international forum I don’t think that loss really means anything as to where he stands in freestyle right now. He got out folkstyled. That was a tech in free.
  3. Uhhh Gable was 21 when we won the Olympics beating two much more accomplished guys than Neal along the way.
  4. Barraclough Is an idiot
  5. Lmfao at comparing wrestling to the NFL. The NFL is not a regional dying niche sport, and the Super Bowl is held all over the country. Hope that helps!
  6. Great thing to generate slightly more short term revenue. Also a great thing to destroy fan interest in other parts of the country long term.
  7. Gable is the best p4p wrestler in the country at all levels. He’s doing this because it’s free money. He’s not the oldest wrestler competing in college this year. Some clown said something about him not having any significance in NCAA wrestling…he’s the only two time hodge winning hwt ever. I can’t wait to see him embarrass all your favorite heavys
  8. I can’t figure who’s dumber between you and hammerlock. Imagine thinking the NCAA considers the WWE a professional sport…
  9. Man you just have some really bad opinions. Again, the event sells out any arena in the country. We do not need to hold it in a wrestling hotbed to show that it’s popular so they can raise prices. It’s not a big money maker for them. They could raise ticket prices $50 and it wouldn’t make a difference to them. It’s a drop in the bucket for them. That’s such a short sighted argument. Great…The NCAA makes more short term money, but loses every program west of Nebraska. The sport is dying at the NCAA level. Again, holding the event in the only area the sport is popular is a great way to kill off the sport everywhere else. As for Minnesota/MSP not being a great location…what?!? Let’s compare it to your “great” suggestion of Cincy…. It has way more hotel rooms, more nationally recognized restaurants and bars, the #1 ranked airport in North America(easier and cheaper to fly to than Cincy for the vast majority of the country), better shopping than Cincy, more museums/theaters/music venues than Cincy and actually has multiple venues that could host…which are all in downtown areas that are easy to get to. It has everything a good host city does with potential weather being the only real negative. The northeast is just as likely to have bad weather at that time of year though so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  10. Cincy?!? A city that isn’t central, has an even smaller airport than KC, and isn’t a great tourist destination…lol what a terrible suggestion. What venue would you suggest in Cincinnati? Indianapolis is in the same area and a much better host. Your ideas are all great if your goal is to kill the sport. The event sells out no matter what. Why would the cities mentioned having the “hottest”(highest resale prices) tickets be good for anyone other than resellers? If we want the sport to stick around long term, we need exposure in new places. Holding it in the NE every year would make it even more niche and shorten its lifespan.
  11. Oh look another one
  12. Idk any other fan base that has supported pedophiles like PSUs has.
  13. Using participation numbers at the highest level tournaments in the world is not a good metric for how “popular” a sport is worldwide. How many are attempting to qualify? How many kids participate? How was the fan attendance for Greco vs freestyle at the Olympics? Its anecdotal, but I was encouraged to wrestle Greco at Fargo despite not being interested simply because it was “easier to qualify”.
  14. Another trash bigot revealing themselves on the board. Thanks
  15. I agree, but then when someone posts expectations based on reality they get ripped on for not giving the US enough credit or whatever. the only USMFS wrestler that really underperformed was Mason. The others just aren’t as good as people wanted to believe.
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