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Everything posted by skandar

  1. Pretty easy answer. PSU fans booed and insulted an American legend in a neutral tournament to represent the country. Iowa fans gave Gable Steveson a standing O after he beat their guy in a college match in their building. I don’t even have to bring up PSU history for this question, but they’re going to win a “who’s worse” competition against any fan base in the country.
  2. Meh, Brooks dominated David. David had nothing for him. He made David looked old and unmotivated.
  3. Jordan was literally paid to do what you’re talking about. He’s the biggest name in USA wrestling. He was hired for a reason. They wanted viewers to know it was JB they were listening to. It’s absolutely hilarious that the PSU fan base is so offended by his innocuous comments, but have no problem defending a POS like Carter saying he’d piss on the grave and spit in the face of opponents. No one is surprised though. This is the same fan base with a rich history of racism, sexism, and bigotry. Plus the whole pedophilia apologist deal. If there’s one fan base in the country that needs to learn to STFU it’s this one.
  4. Is he going to declare the shahādah if Yazdani beats him?
  5. lol this tournament had nothing to do with PSU. These were all Americans wrestling to represent the country. Sorry you and the idiot Pennsylvania fans are too dumb to comprehend that. JB was literally answering a question. He didn’t bring it up. Carter “piss on his grave/spit on his face” Starocci is the one of the biggest trash bags in the sport. You’re all the dumbest hypocrites I’ve even seen.
  6. Shocking. Dake losing another fantasy match to a PSU wrestler
  7. lol no one gives a shit about the World Cup first of all. You’re going to criticize him for skipping a tournament no one cares about for the birth of a child? Are you kidding? Have anything to back up your quote? Was it wrestling media(which would be irrelevant in this conversation) or mainstream media? How about the context? Was he making an obvious joke that only someone who’s already biased against him would take as disrespectful? Is that why he’s still one of the most beloved foreign wrestlers within Iran? He didn’t owe Yazdani anything. He thought they’d wrestle like two months later at the Olympics.
  8. Again…pushing someone’s head into the mat after the whistle is not “pushing the pace”. I haven’t commented on anything Messenbrink did while actually wrestling during live action.
  9. Do you know what ambassador means? it’s not something that can just be easily quantified and you can stubbornly argue against anything brought up. Burroughs has gotten more mainstream attention than any wrestler in US history. He’s had countless appearances and interviews with huge programs. He’s been nothing but gracious, charming, articulate and engaging in all of them. He’s been the key to USA wrestling moving into the modern age. A lot of the country (rightfully) views wrestling as a sport for dumb racist jocks. He’s done a great job of dispelling that view.
  10. Lmaooo what are you even talking about? Messenbrink started the after the whistle antics. Burroughs retaliated. Only of them got booed. Thats a fact. No ones talking about “pushing the pace” or “challenging” JB lol. Who said anything about me being in charge of USA wrestling Whatever argument youre having in your head isn’t taking place in reality. Take your meds today?
  11. lol what a moron. It’s a good thing to get chippy after the whistle then throw your hands up pretending like you don’t know why your opponent is getting chippy back…? That’s a good thing to you? Oof. Embarrassing.
  12. Messenbrink literally started it lol. Like imagine you’re one of the most decorated wrestlers in the world and a kid with 0 senior level accomplishments is shoving your head into the mat after the whistle multiple times then tries to shake your hand like “oops it’s all good!” Nah.
  13. That seemed like a pretty clear 4 to me. They blew the call and then didn’t have a good angle so they couldn’t overturn it.
  14. Thanks for the great coverage Peacock!
  15. The fans in Pennsylvania last night were another black mark for the sport. Absolutely embarrassing. One of the most accomplished wrestlers and best representatives in the history of US wrestling was treated worse there than he his in rival countries. This event wasn’t about what college these wrestlers went to. This is about who’s going to represent the whole country against the world. This was likely JBs last tournament and that’s the taste you want to leave in his mouth? Why should he ever want to do anything for USA wrestling after the way he was treated? This fanbase should never be gifted another event like this no matter how good PSU is. No one should be surprised though. This fan base has shown they’re racist, misogynistic, and apologists for both pedophilia and sexual assault over decades.
  16. Carl knew what he was(n’t) doing. Couldn’t have another undefeated 4 timer.
  17. No way Shapiro doesn’t have a concussion.
  18. …. And two of them are still in the tournament?
  19. Remember when Eggum chose McKee over Ramos AND Spratley
  20. Is there a view that shows all four quarterfinals without the wrestle back matches?
  21. It was all a ploy to keep PSU from matching the Gophers record of 10 AA’s
  22. How can something have tangible “practice” or data to support it when it’s never been done? With that logic the world should never do anything new.
  23. In fact, Kyle is about the exact age right now that David was when David won his first world title.
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