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Everything posted by RockLobster

  1. That's a pile of techno speak garbage. You obviously understand none of it. (Run to your tech guy and ask him to 'splain it to you real quick so you can make another moron post here.)
  2. A few months? @headshuck That part is interesting. What happens after these few months, exactly?
  3. Seriously, this dope actually posted this EXACT thing. I haven't changed a single letter. And, no, there's nothing more. I didn't delete any portion of the post. That's the whole unedited post. This 'Offthemat' is a complete moron. Posts quite a lot, usually makes little sense. More than likely paid to post by a foreign entity.
  4. Not a lot, just the right amount. But, too much for you to deal with, cupcake?
  5. Yes, I realize that Rasta. And - take note - I never claimed that it was. Like others, you're arguing with the wind. Prices are going up all around us in rapid fashion. Not just eggs. Everything. Getting people bickering about details and losing track of the big picture. That is the current administration playbook. Trump did, in fact, promise to fix prices and inflation. He did promise to fix the border. He did promise to fix all of our woes. Yet - he's fixed NONE of these things that he did promise to. Prices are going up, inflation is going up, the border is no more secure. Trump is all bluster and no action. But Musk is making a killing for his companies by stealing data as fast as he can as he shuts down the federal offices that existed only to assist US citizens. Less assistance for US citizens, more profit for unelected immigrant Musk. Not cool. We've all been cheated by Trump's broken promises. He's only really trying to help billionaires. The worst part is that people here, and on other social media garbage sites, seem to celebrate this atrocity. US citizens are losing here, yet people on social media are celebrating it - think more carefully when you read posts from those that celebrate it. Think about what their motivation might be. The only thing I know is that they aren't patriots.
  6. MORE INFLATION is staring us in the eye at this very moment. And all we see here is dopes with jokes. Trump promised to fix things if he was elected. He's done nothing to fix it, inflation is going up. When people promise things to me and then don't deliver, I see it as a problem. Clowns here just make jokes. That's the difference between us. It's not funny. It's a problem. Musk is a distraction. Trump needs to get up off his sorry ass and start fulfilling his promises.
  7. And yet you thought wrong. "Limits" my boy, "limits" are straight up calculus. You seem like an old dude, but you're never too old to learn more math. Online courses are easily accessible. If you truly want to know more (instead of pretending and not knowing dick), consider taking a course.
  8. What we've got going on in Ukraine is a real fight. What we've got going on in Gaza is a real fight. What you've got going on your head isn't worthy of discussion here. You seem to have a lot of imaginary homo/trans demons in your head. Keep fighting those imaginary fights on the internet. Good luck with that.
  9. You name call me? You suck dude. Riley Gains? That gal is trying to sell ivermectin for people instead of horses. Straight up fraud. Not complicated, not controversial. Just fraud. Get your sh** together.
  10. Just because I put you on the bus, you throw out a label like a little bitch. Who's "disabled"?
  11. Beginning of 3rd, but I like Salazar here IF he can get the escape.
  12. This gal? She's a FRAUD. Put your politics aside - doesn't apply here. Trying to cheat people out of their hard earned money is NOT OK. Anyone who posts otherwise here needs a swift kick in the ass.
  13. Went to the grocery store to buy a dozen eggs today. $8/dozen. Trump promised he'd fix food prices. The economy promises are what got him elected. All we hear from Trump is... nothing. He isn't fixing anything, he has nothing to say, his promises meant nothing. Tariff's on China? Canada? Mexico? Nope - those are tariff's on American importers. That's who pays the tariffs. And the American importers raise their prices to the grocery stores, who raise the prices for all of us. How is Trump going to fulfill his promise of fixing it? I, for one, want to know. What's the plan?
  14. Trump goes to the Superbowl at a cost of (roughly estimated) $4 million - He arrives late, leaves early, and isn't even remotely a fan of football in any way, shape, or form. And, no President has ever done it before. You say that We should budget the government like we do our own lives? I agree with that. Then the administration should stop taking recreational trips on borrowed money when we are in debt to the hilt. At least, that is, if the administration is as serious about is as they pretend to be.
  15. Don't really think "loving life" fits with what's happening right now. But, by all means, you be you. If you think so, cool. There are reasons to be optimistic, to be sure. And, then again, the market has been bouncing around a bit and is more volatile than it's been in prior years due to the efforts of the new administration. We just have to wait and see how it unfolds. It's never been easy or predictable. Just a bit less now. (I did like the Raiders of the Lost Ark movie. But to post that part? Weird choice by you. You're a weird dude.)
  16. Or they can just learn to hire a bunch of programmers and rocket scientists with their part of the family fortune... And then pretend they are the ones who are actually doing the engineering and coding, like Musk does.
  17. And there you have it. The "YOU CAN'T THINK FOR YOURSELF" van is now full. There are more seats in the van, but after we get (4) of these "high maintenance" types, we just can't handle more. (And, yes, Husker is the one on the far left, in the pixels.)
  18. Yawn... you have access to the internet. The greatest resource for information we've ever seen. Yet you ask me?
  19. Hmmm.. I don't think so. But, then again, I might. It all depends on how the bitchy little posters here react.
  20. ... except that's not true. The Vice President is also elected. It matters very little - but, then again, your post mattered very little to begin with. Not unlike most your posts.
  21. And 4 is enough. But to be fair, it is difficult for those that can't grasp basic Calculus.
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