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Everything posted by RockLobster

  1. David Taylor, Ben Askren, and Gable Steveson - let's start there.
  2. EXCEPT for the elephant in the room. WKN's model is all based on seedings/rankings. Guess what? The model is the easier part. The rankings/seedings are the much harder part. The most sophisticated part is lining the wrestlers up in ranked order. That takes years of knowledge and experience to even being to start. Much more to do it well. If you're really good at it - you can afford to get yourself a place at Coeur d'Alene!
  3. I don't get it - I used to enjoy your posts. Now you're a shrinking, increasingly hateful POS. (Calling me a cancer?) Your posts are becoming worse by the day. From little bitch to half-brain kook. The thing is that you can do something about it. Or not. Be better or be worse, whatever. It's your choice. Either way, that's on you. None of us here are any more relevant or irrelevant than any other. Just a bunch of posters on an anonymous wrestling forum. Just like the very best part of wrestling - no royalty, no peasants. I wrestled long enough to love the sport (and more than long enough to truly despise cutting weight.) I'm here because wrestling is part of me - and I like a place where wrestling types can share discussion. I'm not here to seek attention. I care very little about that. If you think "we see you", you don't. You do make one last good point - the was the wrong emoji. Meant to post the lobster . They are difficult to see. I swear my eyesight is shrinking as fast as the quality of your posts. I'll try to work on that.
  4. So, you're just being a cunt. If that is cool with you, then you should definitely be that.
  5. "Seek help."!? That was uncalled for. Wait until you are not high, then read through the thread again. I was responding to the OP, in this forum. Folks jumped all over him for his post. My point was clear, I didn't believe the OP was the problem. I blame the ongoing staged political nonsense and gaslighting (supported by pics I posted) as the real problem. It's core content for this exact discussion. If you don't like the conversation, get over it. Or go away. I'm just in the discussion like everyone else. That's why we're all here.
  6. A legendary quote from the classic horse opera, Silverado. "I think there's only a couple of guys up there and this asshole's one of 'em" (If you haven't seen it- it's worth your time.)
  7. Yes and no. Yes - Agreed, Gable wasn't good at fake WWE wrestling. WWE fake wrestling is pathetic and horrible, across the board. Meant primarily for viewers living in trailer houses with IQ's equal to their shoe size. (aka MAGA.) No - That is not "all the proof you need to know." It is only marginally relevant and provides no proof either way.
  8. There's no doubt at this point, the Hodge will go to Hendrickson and his 70's pornstache. The pre-match flag wearing was bad form. Like wearing a checkered flag at the start of a NASCAR race. Just bad. But to the winner goes the spoils, and Hendrickson is the guy this year.
  9. It is has been difficult to tell the difference between real and staged nuts for quite a while now. I hold nothing against a poster who is exposed to staged garbage and gaslighting 24/7. The poster is not the problem here.
  10. There were questions asked, and questions answered in this thread. Quite a few of them. It's just that no question I asked you was answered. No matter how you try to twist it. I'm not emotional at all. It's my direct style that makes me appear that way.
  11. Post as you wish - but I'm not talking to you here, and I have zero interest in anything you post. Start posting like a respectable person and I might change my mind. I won't hold my breath.
  12. Are we equating "endorsing" with "not disavowing" now?
  13. You mean 5 years ago when he was tricked into coming into the Oval Office with his entire family to receive a medal, and then was almost instantly ditched after he didn't "endorse" the politician to his satisfaction? That endorsement?
  14. You have good instincts. We could all use an extra dose of distrust when we're on the internet. Fake far exceeds real out here. Old joke (modified): "Everyone else is fake except you and me, and I'm not so sure about you." Great weekend for Nebraska. Watch out for Minnesota, we're coming for you next year.
  15. Go ahead and type the word Sh*t into another post and see what happens. It's instant. It's done by the software.
  16. That is an automatic replacement... I'll now post the word sh*t ... *I poop my pants, don't laugh at me* See?
  17. What are you waiting for? If you think it's a good idea - get on it! Chop chop.
  18. You keep yawning. Time for you to go to bed, old man. You probably don't remember that there was no question asked nor answered. Alzheimer's is a bitch. Being a cranky, belligerent old bastard to everybody doesn't help. Find compassion.
  19. Not endorsed by Gable.
  20. Gable loses his final college match in a huge upset. Disappointing for him. But it happens. Good wrestling by Wyatt. ~300 wrestlers enter, only 10 come out without losing. This time of year, wrestling is more about losing than it is about winning. Why do you want to be "that guy" who brings up past history that has already been put to rest? That's ugly. Be a man that understands compassion. Leave it alone.
  21. It's low - because it's not true. It's been proven false. Taking advantage of an allegation that has already been proven false is maggot level low.
  22. That is low, even for you. Maggots take a higher road.
  23. All about Hendrickson? Yes it is. His title is all about him. Are you having some kind of medical issue? Maybe a stroke?
  24. So, now you want to describe which seconds of which match are exciting in order to let anybody else have an opinion. You might be one of the most selfish old bastards I've ever come across.
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