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Truzzcat last won the day on September 15 2024

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  • I love Bob Dole

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NCAA All-American

NCAA All-American (12/14)

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  1. -Mendoza -Blaze -Forrest -Larkin -Zepeda -Bassett -Watters -Vega -Davino -Cael Hughes -Aaron Seidel -Jayden Raney -Jordyn Raney -Luke Stanich -Kannon webster these two weights could be absolutely bonkers I am probably forgetting some guys in red shirt that could still be around
  2. I think absolute best case scenario this lineup has 6 AA's and probably nobody top 2 maybe Elam? That may be enough to get on the podium I am not entirely sure. Worst case scenario that lineup could only have Elam AA and to me that's more likely than best case. I do think that Rath,Walker,Mendoza,Sinclair all can and if I were betting will be AA's I'm just not sure how likely it is for 2026. I also think Mendoza Red shirts and then goes 141 he seems to really be growing now.
  3. If top bottom is not a factor in their match I can definitely see Barr coming out on top and maybe even snow balling it. Im not even as much concerned with him not giving up a takedown or two I think he just can't give one up and then get stuck there.
  4. Cardenas has been majored a singular time in his career by Hidlay and seems to be wrestling the best he ever has including his silver at u23's over the summer. If Barr majors him, I would be extremely surprised.
  5. Have any notable Asian wrestlers transitioned to sumo? and do we think the prevalence of sumo culturally is the reason most Asian countries have a huge disparity between upper and lower weight success. I know nothing about sumo, but this was a very cool read.
  6. It seems like a margin of defeat ranking which I know they have never accounted for before so would be wrong to do here. They have puncino at 16. I believe they have historically not dinged people for losses to guys under redshirt or none starters perhaps it's just under red shirt or not attached I know Stanich was not penalized for his forrest lost last year nor was Ramos. If you account for that Block would technically be 2-2 voiding the valencia and Redding losses. Even at that though they are hesitant to rank freshman without a large sample, so you have a guy who is 2-2 no bad losses but has no ranked wins either.
  7. Feel like you keep the same result at 174 and give up 5 for sure then at 165.
  8. Kids a freak, I worry about him almost being too athletic to where its destructive for his body. I think he's on two shoulder surgeries already. There was a bit of smoke that he may go to the same school as Bassett but I don't know if there was any substance to that. He is a Seabolt guy so I would be a bit shocked to see him leave Iowa but who knows.
  9. I believe he was quoting him in his most recent interview or quoting his book
  10. MM for pace was a terrible oversight on my behalf.
  11. Categories Neutral Offense Baseline Defense Scrambling Speed Pace Top Bottom Mental mine: Neutral offense: Shapiro Baseline Defense: Carter Scrambling: Keegan Speed: Lilledahl Pace: Barr Top: Mccrone Bottom: Bouzakis Mental: Carter
  12. did not see the takedown thing I am going 30
  13. I don't expect Barr to go into NCAAs without a loss. How he looks in those losses will dictate If I view him as a contender because I expect him to wrestle his best matches at NCAA's If he's within the margins with Buchannan this weekend or at big 10's he's probably my pick come the tournament. I think it comes down to if he can utilize his pace without giving up a lot early. In the first match with Sinclair, he gave up go behinds clinically for the sake of pushing a pace and generating. I think he's wrestling much smarter now, but we shall see when he wrestles that real top tier at the weight.
  14. I did not think he looked bad against Paniro. He needs a tank for his style though, he seemed as tired or more tired than Paniro at the end. He has great shot entry but does not shoot with a ton of volume. If he increased his volume I think that would go a long way for him.
  15. Think it's worth noting Zahid beat chance 10-0 here it was 3-0 at trials and I don't think chance has lost by Tech since Nohkodi in 22? Chance also tech pinned his way through the tournament, so he seemed to be in good form. Zahid could be in new form in Stillwater.
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