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Everything posted by ionel

  1. Tried to edit but Bob said: NO you are too slow! Had the edit opened in time just wasn't fast enough on the SAVE button.
  2. ... but with rampant speculation that Fix will be dropping down to 125 or bulking up to 141 there's speculation and rumors of substance abuse. As such, the FBI conducted an early morning raid, the search warrant included garage frigs only but due to the portability of such substances included all garage refrigerators within a 2 block radius of the D. Fix residence. The FBI will be processing the information over the next few months hoping to conclude their discovery research and testing by April 1.
  3. In theory PEDs benefits the individual while speeding may provide some individual benefit but kills innocent lives. Both are violations of the laws/rules.
  4. Look at the report, don't take my word.
  5. The Fix is in .. will the Lee take a knee (or two)?
  6. What about grabbing headgear or knee pads (saw one of those last night) that cheating, why don't we ban them for at least a season? What about coaches who run out onto the mat, thats cheating & violation of the rules, they should be deemed such and banned for life? What about "speculators" they are going beyond the facts, is that not cheating? Again, pretty sure the committee ruled there was no benefit, are you just speculating?
  7. As I recall the committee said the quantity was consistent with amount said drank via the frig story. Whether true or not he accepted the punishment and served the time and my recollection this had nothing to do with college wrestling. Kind've like a speeder who gets caught pays the ticket and never speeds again. As opposed to those who get caught and continue speeding just waiting to cause an accident, or folks who won't get out of the left lane, its the law after all.
  8. I thought they did a good job. I could see if you were at the event it would probably seem like a long break. But watching, seemed the break was the same between each match so predictable with just enough time to grab a refreshment from the frig or post smack with your internet buddies on these here forums.
  9. Do you feel the same for those who get caught speeding or parking without paying the meter but do pay the ticket?
  10. As long as we are talking rumors from a rival board, is it true Griffith dropping to 149?
  11. Hatcher should try that throw again, think he almost had it.
  12. Good job of staving off the tech.
  13. I'd say yes but then @MPhillips would come on here and say I'm "big timing" the board.
  14. Interesting times as first time in a century requiring multiple votes to select a Speaker of the House. The longest was 1855/56 which required 133 votes. Little known tidbit regarding the connection of the winner Nathaniel Banks to our very own Wkn as they were/are both members of the Know Nothing party. Don't know if Wkn is also a free soil advocate as have seen no indication he knows anything about agronomy. "Members first gathered in December, 1855. After two months and 133 ballots, the House finally chose Representative Banks by a vote of 103 to 100 over Representative William Aiken of South Carolina. Banks, a member of both the nativist American (or “Know-Nothing”) Party and the Free Soil Party" PS: just killing time till the big dual
  15. Bob only shows up once every couple weeks but he only gives us 15 minutes! Cranky old codger that Bob.
  16. Center mat ~10 rows up sitting with President of Rider & family.
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