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NCAA All-American

NCAA All-American (12/14)

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  1. Most coaches that lose someone to a better team complain about tampering by the new team.
  2. I was just explaining that to some club kids. They were digging how low cut the singlets were.
  3. They will end up being like the "draw kit". Referee: Coach are you ready to draw? Home Coach: Nah, we'll just start at 25, I already spoke to the visiting coach. Visiting Coach: Hey man, we're gonna start at 125. We agree. Referee: Cool. Then he gets out his red and green wristbands. LET'S WRESTLE!
  4. The Condomitti brothers went to different schools. Jag to Nebraska and Bug to Oregon State.
  5. Once they find out you're from Iowa they will protest every call you make!
  6. Brawndo has what plants crave!
  7. Like what?! Asking for a friend of course.
  8. Is Jordan enrolled at LR?
  9. Medium? Is that what they called 20's or 30's?
  10. He was not the first one to leave Okie State because they didn't want to make a huge cut. Central State (University of Central Oklahoma) made a living on those kids that left Okie State. UNC had one of the first Hodge winners, who told John he wasn't cutting too much. It is more widely known now that we have internet and etc...
  11. TexRef

    IL v NC

    It has nothing to do with Cali groovy, it is a history thing with the state of North Carolina. The "experts" told us the 2 piece uniform would propel our sport into the mainstream. I am waiting.... When the Harvey Twisters get a 2 piece, I will get on board with it as a whole.
  12. I don't see Byrd getting a major over Kade Moore. I am not a fan of Byrd's style, just my tastes. I don't think Moore has been the same since he got stabbed. Byrd looks good since his injury and will probably beat Moore. I hope it is close.
  13. He was a friend and maybe a roommate of Walt Garrison. Walt said that he was "crazy strong"!
  14. The joke is on us! We actually thought with the acquisition they would make it a better product.
  15. I enjoy mat wrestling and agree that a reversal should be worth more points. With the 3 point takedown we are starting to see more takedowns-cut-takedown-cut-takedown-cut until a tech fall. Imo that just brings us that much closer to Freestyle. I don't want to lose Folkstyle wrestling! I enjoy FS but I don't enjoy "officiating by committee" nor do I enjoy the corrupt rules committee making up rules that don't seem to be adding much benefit to the sport. I am really surprised that FS/GR made it through the "ball grab era"! That was ridiculous!
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