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NCAA All-American

NCAA All-American (12/14)

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  1. Pull my finger jokes too?
  2. Because they want 250 days a year of wind?
  3. Back in the late 70s, in Freestyle, if you took 1 step backwards, you got called for pasivity. There was no jumping back a few steps to adjust your knee pad, singlet, or to actually get in a decent stance. That is a FS rule that I would welcome back and would welcome to Folkstyle.
  4. Things are different now than they were in the 60's. We are all wearing singlets, we are all on mats where the out of bounds lines are round, and the technique is far better. It might be worth a try. One thing that most don't understand or realize is stalling is a JUDGEMENT call. We are all going to have a different opinion. I think a lot of guys are pushing their opponents oob but the stall call goes to the wrestler getting pushed out. The pusher isn't pushing to set up a shot.
  5. I would rather talk about the buckeye being poisonous nut.
  6. Um no. I was living in Portland, Oregon at that time. Texas spends money on HS sports, too much. They spend too much money on football and not enough on wrestling. That is a topic for another day.
  7. I am not the youngest poster here. I can remember when the top 4 teams got a trophy at the NCAAs. I also remember when the lines on the mat made a square not a circle, and the red & green lines were included in the 10' circle.
  8. I would like to see Edinboro get back to the days of bringing home a trophy. Shoot, I wish they still gave out trophies to the top 4 teams!
  9. It could be worse....You could have Bono!
  10. JW is probably enjoying some of the best bbq in Arkansas at the Whole Hog Cafe (original location) which is close to campus. It is sooo good! I highly recommend it!
  11. Lucas Byrd would also like a word.
  12. When the NCAAs were in OKC I got tickets from scalpers in front of the door for $20 & less. No, I didn't look at where they were located as we moved around. We did get tickets for the Finals for $20 and they were decent seats.
  13. Before Mocco, there was Ray Brinzer. He went the other direction, from Okie State to Iowa.
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