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NCAA All-American (12/14)

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  1. I just expected more out of IL.
  2. It's about this time of year where we start hearing all of the IL excuses. "We don't have the staff, we don't have the recruits, we don't have the facilities", and etc.... I thought they had a shot this year to turn things around, but it doesn't look that way.
  3. That is what we call "Illini Style!"
  4. Don't forget, we were also told that the 2 piece uniform was going to make our sport mainstream!
  5. If you're not going to vet school, the best thing to do with that Okie State degree is deliver pizzas!
  6. I enjoyed watching Sheptock.
  7. Thank you to the 3 folks that were nice enough not roast me to the utmost for making a mistake. Great responses too! Now that I know Barry is no longer there, I better read up on the other things wrong with the Wiscy program.
  8. It seems like nothing great will change for Wicy wrestling until Alverez retires.
  9. Iowa had the same type of roster in the early 80's. Several guys could have started immediately and become AAs, if they would have transferred to another school.
  10. Nah, he wouldn't sign the papers
  11. Or maybe a Michigan fan?
  12. My kid wore an Ohio State headgear his freshman year of HS and in January a ref dinged him for it.
  13. Most coaches that lose someone to a better team complain about tampering by the new team.
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