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NCAA All-American (12/14)

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  1. @MPhillipsMaybe you should say it one more time, for those in the back.
  2. Blackfoot has a history of producing some tough kids, in boxing, wrestling, and rodeo.
  3. https://youtu.be/8qQQGcRGWcY?si=B23mCVUp-_IX_W45
  4. What?! You mean to tell me that Gardner Webb is not doing bad things in the NIL & portal?!
  5. They have some tough kids on the roster. I am not sure what this years recruiting class looks like, but it is great to see them out there bangin!
  6. The Ferrari is back on the road!
  7. But can they win there?! Will they be able to schedule the way they want? Will they get GOOD recruits? Don't get me wrong, I hope they do win there and win big! I hope they get a bunch of tough kids and it is the "Come back" story of 2024! OK, maybe a tie a with their counterpart from the central valley.
  8. If Luke can keep the Ferrari in the garage for however many years he has left, then the school needs to give him a pay increase and more scholly money!
  9. He will sell more tickets than Bo will!
  10. Or do girls jump out of the cake?
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