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  1. And another thing that was bad at the Bigs - video review WAS NOT done at the refs table next to the mat, it was reviewed by mystery refs outside the competition floor. This added to the time required and you miss the two refs looking together and helping each other make a decision.
  2. All I know dirtbag is that DT is making $7 million per year while you type away on a website about what a failure he is. What do you pull down as a doorman at Costco?
  3. If you only reference expected champions, like you seem to have largely done, then upsets can happen easily. But you didn't look into the number of PSU wrestlers that will do well in the brackets, all american or better, and that's where the points are. PSU will win by an unsurmountable spread. Even if NO CHAMPIONS.
  4. Penn States Mike Ried was an unbelievable athlete: I know I was there at the time and was on the track team with him. Yes he not only played All American football (and all Pro NFL), and yes wrestle, he was on the track team as a damn good shot putter. After practice everyday he'd challenge all the field guys (I was a pole vaulter) to a 60 yard sprint and none of us could beat him.
  5. In the future, please have a dictionary at hand. And I suggest you lay off the vodka prior to logging onto this forum and attempting to post something in a coherent manner.
  6. Sorry, but I'll play the naysayer. Despite the fact that Robles wrestled with one leg, he had big time upper body advantage. Think about it: how much does a leg weigh? 35 pounds? So he had the upper body of a 170 pound man, which was very obvious. Yes he had moves, speed, and strength of a solid wrestler, but he also was hard to take down because he wrestled with one knee to the mat position which left his opponents not able to surprise Robles, . I think McD looked confuses as to where to attack and I think he suffered from what most Robles opponents did: "I don't want to take advantage of this guy, so I'll...........what?" Not taking anything away from Robles: he was an honest champ, but wrestling him was weird; his oponents looked confused.
  7. As a longtime fan of collegiate wrestling, I prefer our folkstyle to the international freestyle: more more action and differeent approaches to offense, but the reality is that much of the offensive action/styles, do not translate to freestyle. I think our low level of success in the international sport will continue. It's not the wrestlers: when the like of Dake, Retheford, and Brooks eek out a Bronze we must question the styles they've developed since the age of 6 that don't translate to Olympic success. They train and build skills for 20 years only to find them relatively useless in the international arena. Don't doubt how the international coaches have learned "how to beat Americans" quite successfuly. Change or die.
  8. How will Brooks respond/handle Hidlay's bum-rush style? Hidlay seems to have a good gas tank, and can keep it up for 3 periods, but Brooks is quick as a cat so I think he can counter Hidlay's horns.
  9. I agree that the US should every-so-slowly move towards international wrestling scoring. It just makes sense to prepare our wrestlers for international competition. Why not, like international rules, just blow the whistle and get both wrestlers to neutral standing position with no points scored after some time of no action by either wrestler?
  10. Eye of the Tiger by Survivor. Great beat for warmups.
  11. Forgive me for being confused. If in sudden death a wrestler takes the other down to his back, is he awarded 3 points and match is over, or does the match continue if pin is likely or possible?
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