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  1. This is a good point. Landing Bo Bassett would be a significant marker, maybe more than the first NCAA champion. They should offer the father a position. He seems to have success.
  2. Is there someone in Russia that sadulaev can never defeat similar to Taylor who can never beat Dake. His record against Dake prevents him from being considered best ever.
  3. I think what @forkemaz said is true it has advantages and disadvantages. If it had no advantages there is no way he could be competitive. Lets say take the weight advantage away. If he wrestled 174 how would he do? Probably the disadvantages of missing a limb is greater than the advantages of being physically stronger than your opponent in all other muscles. The training aspect and perseverance with a missing limb is the unique character trait of this champion. From what I hear the story is also about his mother. Being able to accomplish so much given the deck your dealt.
  4. Good point. If he is in the room training and his athletes are watching, great example of what you need to do. But what if he decides he needs to fly back to PA to train with Dake for 3 weeks to prepare?
  5. I assure you I am not @WrestlingRash. Do you think a coach who is also competing can be the best at both these jobs at the same time? The fact that he will be traveling overseas at the very least will mean he will spend last time as his Head coach job. This is a ridiculous statement. Are you saying he is not training for this competition? Of course he is. Does his training take away and distract him from his head coaching responsibility. I can't see how it could not. John Smith was also competing and coaching at the same time. He was actually competing in freestyle with his athlete in the same weight class. Sounds to me like a conflict of interest. Maybe this is one last hoorah for him and Oklahoma State doesn't see it as too much of a distraction. Also @bnwtwg did you include Kyle Dake in the exception list of 3 or 4 people. It is funny that Taylor will never beat Kyle Dake and Taylor has an olympic Gold while Dake does not. Now I am going to contradict myself. I am excited about seeing a finals match between Sadulaev and Taylor. If Taylor were to beat him in the finals, that would a classic ending to an incredible career. If he loses to Sadulaev how will that effect him?
  6. Sanderson also wrestled in the Worlds when he was coaching. But I believe he did as a challenge to his team to win the NCAA tournament. The deal was is if they win then he would compete again. I believe it went something like that. If this was the situation I could see this as inspiring his athletes and building comradery. Taylor sounds like this is all about him. Did the athletic department come to him and say we want you to compete and bring name recognition to the program or something like that? It is legitimate to question what his new athletes will think about this. Was he able to give attention to Dayton Fix as much as he could? Is it possible that maybe Fix didn't get the focus that he needed? I cant see how the hours he dedicates to his own training and competition is better for Oklahoma State than using those hours for his team. Maybe in a situation like when Sanderson came to compete you can justify it.
  7. He beat Tsargush with 1 hand. That bandage hand did nothing. This was an impressive win.
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