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College Redshirt

College Redshirt (9/14)

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  1. If you can ride Austin DeNiro then you can ride anyone!
  2. Or the Brands could develop a 197 instead of poaching another teams.
  3. How is it Caliendo all day when he can't last 7 minutes? (I know you were j/k)
  4. Are you implying the Brands can't develop prospects?
  5. Moving on. The sooner he's done the sooner he can start gambling again. (1-800-BETSOFF)
  6. Don't think Mizzou is necessarily going downhill, they've just been devastated by injuries this season. Four projected starters (and arguably their top 4 guys) are not in the lineup. Not making excuses because I don't think they've wrestled their best so far, and all teams deal with injuries, but Mizzou seems hit particularly hard this season.
  7. Thanks
  8. Christ, I f'in hate it when incompetent companies are given broadcast rights, and then drop the ball.
  9. Anyone else having problems with the Rokfin feed?
  10. Yeah, after re-thinking it I wouldn't be able to root for AJ, even over CS.
  11. That's what I thought at first too. Might be the only time I would ever pull for AJ.
  12. Given Smith's history of holding guys out, this is definitely not a done deal.
  13. Hell, half the calls in a match are judgement calls (not really but you get the point). Refs are always using discretion and their best judgement throughout a match. If this ref can't tell that the headgear toss was in no way done in an unsportsmanlike manner, then he's failing in this aspect. He followed the letter of the law, not the intent. And being a past state champ could have played a role here. He was used to being the focal point when he was on the mat. Now maybe he feels the same way as a ref.
  14. Had a trainer tell me that a mix of 1/2 water and 1/2 Gatorade is excellent for after weigh-ins. Only half the cost of Gatorade too.
  15. Hope they don't drug test there. I got a contact high just walking down the strip.
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