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Everything posted by PortaJohn

  1. Haven't we done this topic a Gazillion times?
  2. Never met a wrestler who didn't wish that with the strength of the blood of Christ Cael would wrestle the Mohammed out of Ali
  3. In March, the six-session attendance total dipped to 95,295, the lowest figure for the tournament in nine years, with the exception of 2021 when attendance was capped due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Maybe don't have the finals in a location that is inconvenient to get to? A layover plus a 1 1/2 hour drive from Oklahoma City, and limited activities outside the arena doesn't get one too excited
  4. Cael was demonstrating what has been preached in the gospel Matthew 21:12-13 Jesus at the Temple 12 Jesus entered the temple mats and drove out all who were scoring and reffing there. He overturned the tables of the scorers table and the benches of those selling match points. 13 “It is written,” he said to them, “‘My house will be called a house of wrestling,’[a] but you are making it ‘a den of boxing promoters.’[b]
  5. I am not familiar with the official stance of the Latter-day Saints. I'm only referencing what was agreed upon at the Council of Porta John New King James
  6. Joseph Smith is not a prophet. Technically he's "Prophet Related". See below for clarification The designation establishes the proohet as an "instrumentality of the Lord Jesus Christ"[1] and provides each Prophet with annual, non-preferred[2] financial appropriations in exchange offering spiritual discounts to parishoners who are residents of the planet earth and a minority state-representation on each churches board of trustees. Legally, the Prophet remains separate and a private entity operating under their own charters, governed by independent boards of councils and with assets under their own ownership and control, thereby retaining much of the freedom and individuality of private congregations both administratively and spiritually."
  7. Visualizin' the realism of life in actuality
  8. your man Mineo is saying he'd only return to Minnesota because that's where the WWE training center is
  9. Update on the Sasso incident. Two teenagers arrested. https://www.nbc4i.com/news/local-news/columbus/two-teenagers-arrested-in-connection-to-shooting-of-ohio-state-wrestler/
  10. Through discovery I've collected Vak v. Social Sec. Admin, 753 F.2d 1076 (7th Cir. 1984) Peterson v. Vak 70 N.W.2d 436 (1955) 160 Neb. 450 Estate of Vak v. Commissioner, 973 F.2d 1409 Vak v. Net Matrix Solutions, Inc., 01–13–00385–CV. - Case Law &
  11. I never said Constitutional Lawyer. I said Resident Lawyer as in he is our Resident Intermat Forum Lawyer. It's pro bono work but it's fulfilling
  12. @VakAttack is our resident lawyer so he would probably know better but from my understanding no he cannot promote Jesus or Joseph Smith
  13. Cael is allowed to talk about Jesus & Joesph Smith. It's protected under his constitutional right. He's not allowed discriminate wrestlers who are not religious or to force religious practice i.e prayer, going to church, drink the blood of christ
  14. Lol. Not at all. Penn State is a "state related" school but not a state school.
  15. Penn State is not a state school and I might not be religious myself but I don't see any harm in what Cael is doing in terms of connecting with his wrestlers through "faith" even if it seems foreign to me
  16. @Idaho 9am est 8/28/2023
  17. @Wrestleknownothing or @Jason Bryant might have the stats or easier access to them but just from general knowledge there were a few D1 wrestlers in the NFL in the late 60s to 70s. A few less in the 80s into the 90s. And there are currently none that I know of. We live in an era where premier athletes devote themselves to one sport. It's even becoming more prevalent at the high school level let alone college.
  18. Correct, Askren on FRL made it seem like a foregone conclusion he'll finish his career at 174 and already would've done it if Mocco wasn't in the picture
  19. More common back in the day 60's & 70's but since 2000 the only other player I can think of that had success in both was Antonio Garay
  20. FIFY...Kueter hasn’t wrestled an official match for Iowa wrestling yet. Cool it with the multi sport BS
  21. Hokit was un drafted and cut from rosters. Kueter is a 4 star recruit and has a solid chance at getting drafted. Hokit wasn't even a starter his senior year in college for Fresno State
  22. Is that a ski convention? Powder in Utah is the best by the way
  23. Yes, this year would be his best opportunity to wrestle. But, if he shows any sign of being draft eligible he's not going to have a career in wrestling. Its not the old days. College football at a school in a power 5 conference is a full year commitment.
  24. This is a broken record on Kueter. He is already up around 230 pounds and the football strength and conditioning coaches are targeting to get him to fill out around 240-245 this year. Unless he's a dud in football and quits don't expect him to be the next "great" for the Hawkeye wrestling program
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